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Cameren: Babe...can we talk?

Jayden: Yes...

Cameren: I'm sorry...

Jayden: For what?

Cameren: For everything...I'm haven't been being the man you fell in love with.

"Oh no...is this my time to come clean?" She thought to herself. She hadn't stopped thinking about the night with Micah. She enjoyed everything about it, but she felt awful. Maybe if she just blurted it out, it would be easy to just get it out.

Jayden: It's okay. I know you've been overwhelmed and I've been selfish and not understanding. I was so focused on you being here for me, that I wasn't here for you.

Cameren: I'm really sorry. I promise from here on out that I'll be the Cam you need me to be. My work schedule is not an excuse to disconnect from you.

Jayden: I have something to say.

Cameren: Okay...

She fixed her lips to say it, but the words didn't come out. She buried her face in his chest. Tears streamed down her face. "I love you so much, Cameren." "I love you too, baby. Are you okay?" "I'm not." "What's wrong?" "I..I'm not ready to talk about it. I'm sorry..." He held her and kissed her forehead. "Whenever you're ready."

Jayden ignored Micah for weeks. She didn't speak to her unless she had to. She made sure not to ever be alone with her. If she needed to talk to her, she sent her text. She wasn't sure if Cameren noticed the awkwardness, but she hoped he didn't. She hoped that she could come clean on her own terms. Things had just begun to get back to normal and she didn't want to mess that up. She thought maybe if she stayed away that the desires would go away, she'd stop thinking about her. They didn't. She felt awful.

*The Next Day*

Jayden: I fucked up.

Jess: Nope. Don't tell me. I don't want to hear this, Jayden! I TOLD YOU!

Jayden: I slept with her, J.

Jess: Jayden...

Jayden: Well kinda...

Jess: What the fuck does that mean?

Jayden: We just like fingered each other and kissed.

Jayden: Now I can't even face her.

Jess: *facepalm emoji*

Jess: You have to tell Cam.

Jayden: I can't tell Cam!

Jess: Sis, you really fucked up.

Jayden: I knowwww. But it was so good.

Jess: Yes, But did it make you feel better?

Jayden: It made me feel like shit afterwards.

Jess: Do you still have feelings for her?

Jayden: I don't know...I've literally avoided being alone in the room with her. It seems like as soon as everything happened, that's when Cam came around. He's finally returning to his normal self. If I could've just held out. I was just...so horny and she was right there and she touched me and I lost it. I practically begged her.

Jess: Dammit, Jay.


Jayden: Micah, come here please.

Micah turned on a TV show for the kids and went to the laundry room where Jayden was.

Micah: Yes...

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