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*bloooorp bloooorp* *incoming FaceTime from 'Gym Bae'*


Cam: Wassup?!

Jay: Morning, Cameren.

Cam: You awake?

Jay: Barely! You headed to work?

Cam: Nah. Headed home from my morning run. Ima shower and go report for these White folks.

Jay: Where do you run at?

Cam: Heritage Park has a really nice trail. You should run with me sometime. You had breakfast yet?

Jay: No, I'll take some oatmeal or something to make at work.

Cam: You look good as hell when you first wake up.

Jay: Please! I look a mess.

Cam: The bedhead look is kinda sexy.

Jay crawled out of bed and went in the bathroom to brush her teeth. She propped her phone up on the mirror as she got ready for work. She applied some water and moisturizer. Her curly fro flourished and she decided that it was a look.

Cam: Women are so fascinating.

Jay: Why?

Cam: I don't know, man. Y'all are just magical. The way y'all apply your makeup, the care y'all take for your hair...I used to watch my sister. She could wake up in the morning looking like Frederick Douglass and in 30 mins, she'd look like she was headed to a beauty pageant. I don't know how y'all do it, but I'm here for it. Black women are undefeated.

Jay could see Cam undressing in his bathroom. She heard the shower come on.

Jay: Do you need to go so you can shower?

Cam: Nah, I have a waterproof stand in my shower. I'm extra. Sometimes I watch "The Undisputed" in the shower."

Jay: Lord...

He propped his phone up in the shower and let the water run down on his head. Jay was lusting...hard! She watched him lather his loofah to scrub his body. The suds dripped down his chest.

She pulled her bullet vibrator out of the drawer and inserted it into her panties. She didn't know if he could see her but she didn't care. He turned his back so that the water could run down his back. Soap dripped down his back. She imagined gripping his body, as he made love to her up against the shower wall. She bit her bottom lip as he washed every inch of his 6'4" muscular body, the way the light reflected off of the water droplets on his brown skin...mmm he was so perfect.

He squirted shampoo on his head and scrubbed his hair. He massaged it in and then let the water rinse off and then he squirted some facial cleanser on his hand. She watched him as he rubbed it into his face, shampooing his beard.

God, she wanted to fuck him again. Finally he rinsed the last of the suds off of his body, and turned off the shower. He grabbed a bottle of oil and rubbed it all over his wet body. His body glistened. She was so turned on watching him.

Cam had a whole skin care routine. She'd never seen a man so carefully wash and moisturize. He rubbed the oil into his chest and her body convulsed, as she orgasmed. She watched as he massaged oil onto his dick. She tried to remain quiet, so he wouldn't know what she was doing.

Cam: What are you doing?

Jay: Just watching you.

Cam: You just stopped what you were doing to watch me shower?

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