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Me: Hey, Daija? You girls want a snack?

I walked into the den where the girls were sitting on the floor playing the Nintendo Switch. Daija say on the floor Indian style. Kensley lay flat on the floor with her head in Daija's lap. They giggled and smiled, as their carts on Mario Kart spun around spilling coins. I peeked out the back window and the twins and Cam Jr. were jumping happily on the trampoline.

Daija: No ma'am.
Kensley: Do you guys have goldfish? If so, I'll take some please.

Kensley was always well mannered and kind. I honestly think that's what's Daija likes most about her. When I returned from the kitchen, I heard Daija say "Good job! That was a good race! I'll beat you next time."

Me: Here you go, baby.
Kensley: Thank you.

The front door burst open. "Hey ma!" Nuri and Shanice walked in. "Hey y'all! How was practice?" Nuri dropped her backpack at the door. "Nope! Take it to your room!"

Shanice: Practice was gruesome. Coach had us run suicides for the last thirty minutes of practice.
Nuri: I'm about to take a shower and do some homework.
Me: Alright. Take your stuff with you.
Nuri: Yes ma'am!

*ding dong*

Me: That might be your mom, Kens.
Daija: Already?!

I headed towards the door and could see through the glass window that it was.

Me: That's your mom. Get your stuff ready, baby.

I opened the door to invite Kensley's mom, Zena, inside. "Hey girl! How you doing? Kensley baby you ready to go?" Kensley drug her backpack in from the den and grabbed her shoes that sat on the shelf by the front door. "You came entirely too early! We were just about to watch Raven's Home!" She leaned against her mom's leg. "It's been a long day, girl. We gotta get across town for Kenneth's baseball game."

Daija: Come on. I'll walk you outside.

The girls ran outside while we chatted for a few minutes. I could see the girls running towards the car and then open it to toss Kensley's backpack inside. They closed ran up to the tire swing that hung from the large tree in our backyard. Daija hopped in a Kensley pushed her for a few moments before they switched places.

I could also see Daija fix Kensley's bow on her Afro and then give her a kiss on the cheek. I wondered if Kensley's mom "knew." I wonder if Kensley felt the same way as Daija. I wondered if this was too much for an eight year old. It all seemed innocent and pure and I didn't want to project anything on her. Dis tew much. "Alright girl, let me go! I know this traffic is gonna be insane trying to get out here. Thanks again for always letting Kensley come hang out until I can get on this side of town. She gets home and talks about how she loves Daija's house and they have so much fun. She's been begging me for her own Nintendo Switch, so they can play online when she's not over here. I'm planning on getting her one for her birthday."

Me: She'll be so excited!

I stood barefoot at the front door smiling and instructing Daija to come inside. "Bye Kensley!" We watched them get into their car and pull off before heading back inside. Before I could even get the door closed, Daija was telling me how Valentine's Day was coming up and she wanted to get Kensley a teddy bear.

Daija: A Build A Bear to be specific. She loves unicorns, so maybe there's one like that. But if not, I'm sure I can find something that she'll love. Her favorite color is light blue. So maybe a light blue dress? When I was little, my mom got me a bear with her and my dad saying "I love you" when you push the hand. I want hers to say "best friends forever." I really wanna get it for her!Pleassssse!
Me: I think we can make that happen.
Daija: I'll love you forever!
Me: You should already love me forever.
Daija: I mean...I do but...
Me: We'll go over the weekend. How about that?
Daija: Thank you! Thank you!

Daija ran to the sliding doors and into the backward straight to the trampoline with the other kids, without missing a beat. Seeing her smile was one of my favorite parts of my day. She was so vibrant and upbeat and she loved the younger kids. They all got a long so well. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect arrangement.

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