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Jess: Hey baby, where's your mama?

Nuri: She's out back vacuuming the pool.

Jess: And everybody else?

Nuri: Cam took the toddlers out for ice cream and Dai is at her friend's house.

Jess: Oh, we're about to go do something fun!

Jess walked through the house to the backyard.

Jess: Hey sexy mama!

Jayden: What are you doing here?

Jess: I need a reason? I heard the babies and the man are gone. We're about to go have a girls day out.

Jayden: I need to get the pool cleaned.

Jess: Girl, fuck that pool. Get your purse and your shoes and let's get outta here. I'm thinking pedicures and shopping and whatever else we can get to. Ooh! Matching tattoos!

Jayden: What?!

Jess: We're getting them! Let's go!

Jayden: Fine! Let me tell Cam we're leaving.

Jess went back into the house. "Nuri, get your shoes on, baby. Mama and auntie are about to show you wassup!"

Jess took pride in being the fine, fun auntie' any opportunity she got to spoil the babies, she did. The girls headed out to get pedicures and then to a tattoo shop.

Jess: What do we want?

Jayden: I don't know. This is your idea.

Nuri: How about a heart with an infinity sign intertwined? I saw this on Pinterest and it was super cute.

Jess: Lemme see.

Nuri pulled out her phone and showed the tattoo.

Jayden: That is cute.

Jess: Oh but look at this one.

She clicked on the one that said "thick and thin."

Jess: What about if we put our names instead of thick and thin? Is that too much?

Nuri: I don't think so.

Jess: What about you? Do you think names are too much for friends?

Tattoo artist: I think it's dope.

Jayden: Let's do it then.

Jess: Ankles or inside forearm?

Jayden: Let's do ankles. And let's add "sisters est. 2001"

Jess: Bet! Ahh I'm so excited! You're never getting rid of me.

After tattoos, they headed to the mall for a day full of shopping. Jess spoiled Nuri with new shoes and new outfits, so much so that Jayden had to cut her off.

They were walking through the mall when someone started calling Nuri's name.

Nuri: Hiiii, Morgan! Ma, Jess...this is Morgan from school. She's on the track team with me.

Jayden: Hi, Morgan. I'm Jayden and this is Nuri's auntie, Jess.

Morgan: Hi, nice to meet you! Hey Nuri! You wanna grab some food? I snuck off from my mom and aunt. They wanted a girls day.

Jess: Oh mama and aunt aren't cool enough for you, huh?

Nuri: *laughs* We're here doing the same thing.

Jess: But, we're the young, fly, sexy mama and auntie.

Nuri: Oh my God! *covers face* You're embarrassing me.

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