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To Devin:

Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for your gentleness and your kindness and your grace. You allowed me to embark on a new journey and you didn't hold it against me. You didn't judge me. Thank you for being happy for me. Thank you for embracing me. You deserve the love that you have given me since I've known you. I love you forever.

To Lasha:

You came into my life on a random Wednesday afternoon and I didn't know that the first time you showed me where my class was, would be the beginning of something so beautiful.

The day we first kissed changed my life forever. I didn't know you were what I needed. And here we are, off to college together. I don't know what this new journey holds for us. But I know that I would not want to do it with anyone else.

When I played directly into the "straight girl" stereotype, you gave me grace. You let me find my way. You've showed me what a friend is. You've elevated even my high standard of love and relationships. You've held true to romance.

May the flame of our love burn forever.

I love you.

To Jayden & Cam:

When my parents died, I didn't know what the future held for me and Daija. I didn't want new parents. I wanted MY parents. But I knew that Daija was too young. She needed you. I wanted that for her.

I didn't know that you two would come along. But you did and dare I say, it was perfect. Getting three new siblings and a dope auntie was just an extra port of the deal.

You never sought to replace our parents. You always made sure to celebrate them and keep their memories alive. You made it easy to love you. You took us in and you treated us like your own. When I was growing and learning, you made me feel human. You didn't crucify me. You loved me through it. Thank you for the conversations. Thank you for the hugs. Thank you for embracing me and Daija.

We love you.

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