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Garrett: Oh my gosh!

Tears formed in his eyes. "A baby girl?" The nurse practitioner smiled at us and shook her head, handing us some sonogram photos. "Congratulations! Dr. Parker will be here in just a minute!"

Jayden: You are gonna be the most extra girl mom. I can really see this shit now!

Jess: Shut up!

Garrett: Yo...I've always wanted a little girl. I think we might be in a competition for who will be the most extra!

Jayden laughed at him as Dr. Parker walked in the room with a giddy smile.

Dr. Parker: Hi, guys! Carla said we're having a baby girl! Congratulations! Let's take a look! How are you feeling, Jessica?

Me: I'm great! Once my morning sickness subsided, we've been smooth sailing!

Dr. Parker: I'm glad to hear that! Jayden, how are you?!

Jayden: I'm doing good!

Dr. Parker: I can't wait to look at those twins again.

Jayden and I had been seeing Dr. Parker for years for our women's annual. She was always friendly and professional. She was a short middle aged White woman with long curly hair and glasses.

Dr. Parker glided the ultrasound probe back on my stomach taking a look at the baby. She looked at the still images that were taken a few minutes ago and listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Dr. Parker: You girls are really jumping into this motherhood thing! I feel like you grew up right in front of my eyes, especially you, Jayden. When did you start coming to see me?

Jayden: Sixteen or seventeen. And now I'm almost thirty.

Dr. Parker: Lord, that means I'm getting old! Garrett, how are you doing? I bet you're excited!

Garrett: I am! Jess is doing so great. I never imagined pregnancy could be this beautiful. She's gonna be a great mom.

Dr. Parker: Well this little girl looks good! Shes about nineteen weeks and four days, measuring about nine ounces. She's still tiny as expected. She's growing healthily and she's got a strong heartbeat. And you ladies look great! You're both glowing and those beautiful smiles tell the whole story. I want to see you back in four weeks. Do you have any questions for me?

Me: I don't think so.

Dr. Parker: Okay! Well if you do, let me know! Have a good day!

Jayden helped to wipe the gel off of my stomach and clean me up and we headed out towards the checkout desk to schedule my next appointment.

Garrett: So when do you want to set up the registries?
Me: We can go this weekend.
Garrett: I'll free up my Saturday. Just let me know what time.
Me: Like you have anything to do!
Garrett: You don't know! I might have a date.
Me: A date?!
Garrett: Yeah...
Me: Whatever.
Garrett: Come here, girl.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. "Take care of my baby girl, okay?" He hugged me and kissed my forehead and I can't even lie, he smelled so good. He wore Armani Code. He was so affectionate and I lowkey wished I didn't like it so much. "I'll see you Saturday, okay?"

Garrett walked over to his car. "See you later, Jayden!" She smiled again him giving me a judgy look and I just knew she was about to say something smart. "Bye, Garrett!"

Jayden: Ma'am. That is how you got caught up the first time!
Me: He always does that! It doesn't mean anything!
Jayden: That man is in love with you and he's doing his best not to show it.
Me: No he's not!
Jayden: Alright so we're gonna play the oblivious game. Okay!
Me: Whatttt?
Jayden: Nothing! You got it!
Me: Whatever! What are we eating for lunch? I'm hungry!

We hopped in my car and headed down Mockingbird Ln and found a brunch spot. I ordered some French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, and some fresh fruit.

Me: Uhh...why does this chick keep looking at us?
Jayden: Who?
Jess: Don't make it obvious. But behind you and to the left.

As I said that, the waitress was walking past. "Hey can I get some more syrup?" Jayden glances over her shoulder as she flagged her down. She slightly covered her face and her eyes got really big. "Absolutely! Let me grab you some!" The waitress headed towards the kitchen.

Jayden: Girl, that's Danielle!
Jess: Who is Danielle?! Oh shit! From the Thai place?
Jayden: Yes! What if she comes over here?!
Jess: She better not. She's been staring the whole time we've been here.

The waitress came back with a small bowl of syrup. "Thank you!" "No problem! Can I get you ladies anything else?" "That's all! Thank you!"

I sat the rest of breakfast trying to avoid eye contact with Ms. Danielle, who seemed to be looking our direction every time I looked up. "Here's your check! You just pay with the electronic keypad and give it to the hostess on the way out." "Thank you so much!" Jayden stacked our plates up for easy cleanup. "Lets get out of here before this gets anymore awkward."

As we headed towards the entrance, I noticed Danielle get up from her booth out of the corner of my eye. A few people waited at the hostess desk to be seated. We patiently waited behind them. "Heyyy...Jayden?" FUCK!

Jayden: Oh hi! Danielle, right?
Danielle: Yeah! How are you?
Jayden: I'm doing good! How about you?
Danielle: Good, good! Just in town for a meeting.
Jayden: Oh okay, this is my best friend Jessica. Jessica, this is Danielle.

I flashed her a fake smile. "Hi." She followed us outside after we both handed the leather envelope containing the electronic check to the hostess.

Danielle: Oh wow! I didn't notice your uhh...

She made a hand motion around her stomach.

Jayden: Yeah...I'm about six months.
Danielle: That's great! Congratulations! You make pregnancy look sexy as hell!
Jayden: Thank you! I try.

Ma'am! No she is not sitting her flirting with a pregnant woman. And Jayden is entertaining it. Girl, wipe that smile off your face and let's go!

Danielle: Well...I'll let you ladies get on with your day. I just thought I'd speak.
Jayden: Yeah...you have a good day!
Me: Nice meeting you, Danielle!

"Let's go!" I mumbled to Jayden as she waved goodbye to Danielle.

Me: No you are not flirting with that woman!
Jayden: I wasn't!
Me: Jayden...
Jayden: She looked good.
Me: Get your hot ass in this car!

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