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"Garrett...FUCKKK!" He had my legs spread in the air slurping on my clit like it was his last meal.

"JESSICA!" The both of us startled at the sound of Jayden's voice. He scurried to pull his pants up. I forgot Jayden was coming over.

It had been five days. Deon's lawyer was unable to work out the deal that he thought was sure fire and they arrested him at the precinct. The judge revoked his bail at the request of the prosecution. He'd remained in jail. Since then, his lawyer had come by try to find even a slither of evidence that Deon was set up.

I'm not gonna lie. I am confused as to why they're treating him like a violent criminal. But unfortunately, it's the risk you run when you commit serious crime. Deon's lawyer showed me financial records with over one hundred thousand dollars in transactions in the last year.

Garrett: I'm gonna leave.
Jayden: I think that's best.

He looked around the living room floor for his shirt and shoes and then grabbed his keys and left.

Jayden: Come on, J!
Me: What?!
Jayden: At least allow the man to get convicted first.
Me: I needed to be comforted!
Jayden: You just don't care anymore do you?
Me: I'm not putting my life on hold for a nigga who's about to spend the best years of my life in prison.

Did this shit hurt? Absolutely. But I was dealing the best I knew how. By ignoring it all. It's what I know. Ignore and avoid until it all goes away. Men are replaceable and they'd do the same to us.

Jayden: So what? You're gonna file for divorce and be with Garrett?
Me: I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Jayden: Regardless of what happens, maybe it's time to admit that's who you wanted all along.
Me: I love Deon!
Jayden: But more than Garrett?
Me: I don't know, Jay! Shit! Why are you beating me down at my lowest point?
Jayden: I'm not beating you down. I just don't want you to do something you'll regret.
Me: If he goes to prison, I'm gonna regret the day I ever met him.
Jayden: Jess...

That was a fucked up thing to say. But it's how I feel. I'm sick of her telling me how I should be handling this. It ain't her husband facing prison time. It's not her family being torn apart.



"You have a collect call from the Dallas County jail, would you like to accept this call?" "Yes."

Deon immediately spoke up. "Cam, I just got an emergency bail hearing. My lawyer has gotten the judge to agree to put me on an ankle monitor. They knew I wasn't going to flee. They just wanted to fuck with me. This is all bullshit. Have you found anything that helps my case?"

Me: Nah man. Nothing yet. How you holding up?
Deon: I'm good now that I can go home.
Me: Are you going home?
Deon: I don't know. I don't think Jess is gonna have me. All of this has rocked her world and I can't say that I blame her. She has Morgan to look out for.

It was eating me up inside. And a new baby. Your baby. I wanted to tell him so bad that Jessica is pregnant. But I promised Jay that I wouldn't say anything. My boy is fighting. But I know how much harder he would fight if he knew he had a kid on the way. That's all he ever wanted was to be a dad.

"You have one minute left."

Me: You're gonna be proven innocent. Just hold tight.
Deon: This shit has wrecked my career either way.
Me: Have you seen Bryan in there?
Deon: He got out!
Me: What?!
Deon: A few days ago. I think he's trying to pin all this shit on me, fam. What if he took a plea deal?
Me: Nah, bro. He wouldn't do that.
Deon: I can't trust anybody anymore. You gotta help me prove my innocence. You're the only person that believes me.
Me: I got you.

"Your call will disconnect in 10-9-8-7-6..."

Me: I love you bro.
Deon: I love you too, man. Thanks for sticking my by side.

"Call disconnected." Beep beep beep.

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