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"Alright ladies, that's it for today. We had a good session. I'll see y'all next week!" My spin instructor stopped the music and grabbed her towel off of her exercise bike and wiped her forehead.

Me: That was fun! You always have the most lit playlists.
Brittney: I saw you getting it in. It's paying off too. You're looking good!

I smiled awkwardly, patting my freshly growing baby bump. I actually felt I was going the opposite direction. But if she says I'm looking good, I'll take the compliment.

Brittney was about 5'6" super tiny, perfect body, gorgeous skin, beautiful smile. I'd been taken her spin class for the last five weeks and she'd always made it a point to hang around and talk after class.

Me: Thanks, girl!
Brittney: What are you doing after this? Wanna grab some lunch? I know of a healthy spot around the corner.
Me: Yeah. Sure...

We grabbed our stuff and headed out of the fitness center towards the parking lot, chatting about the other classes the gym had to offer. We got into our respective cars and I followed her to the restaurant.

*10 mins later*

Me: I'll have an avocado chicken salad with raspberry vinaigrette.
Cashier: Anything to drink?
Me: Water is fine.
Cashier: That'll be $8.79.
Brittney: Oh, I got it. We're together. Can I also get an avocado chicken salad, no onions, regular vinaigrette with a green tea please?
Cashier: Absolutely! Your total is $19.92.

Brittney paid for our food as the cashier handed us our cups and we headed over to find a table.

Me: You didn't have to pay for me.
Brittney: It's no problem. I invited you.
Me: Well thank you. You're too sweet.
Brittney: You don't owe me anything. Don't worry about it!
Me: Okay then! So you really like this place, huh?
Brittney: It's my favorite post workout place. I come here pretty often.
Me: That's cool.

"Two avocado chicken salads, one with no onion?" The waitress set our plates down on the table. "Thank you so much!" I poured some dressing on my salad and dug in. I was starving. Brittney's spin class was intense and I only had a meal replacement shake and some fruit for breakfast. According to my Apple Watch, I had burned five hundred calories and I needed those all back for the babies.

Brittney: So...I gotta ask. I've been holding this in for awhile.
Me: Yeah...wassup?
Brittney: Are you like...dating anyone?
Me: Super random.
Brittney: I'm uhh...REALLY bad at flirting. But this was my way of asking you out on a date.
Me: I actually...am dating someone.
Brittney: Damn. Well this is awkward.
Me: It's cool. Don't trip.
Brittney: I should've known a woman as fine as you would be taken. She's a lucky woman.
Me: Actually...I'm straight. I'm with a guy.
Brittney: Oh...damn.
Me: Yeah...

I buried my face into my salad, trying not to make eye contact. I absolutely did not see this coming and this ordinary lunch just turned super awkward and I was already panicking about how weird future classes would be.

Britney: I didn't uhh...I didn't peg you as straight.
Me: Interesting. Why not?
Brittney: I don't know. I usually can tell what team a woman plays for. I can't believe I got this wrong.
Me: I mean it's cool. I'm kinda flattered that you went through all this trouble to try to hit on me.
Brittney: So you like you're STRAIGHT straight? Not even bi?
Me: Yeah...haha.
Brittney: Sheesh. Whew. Okay.
Me: I've got some gay friends I could link you with.

The rest of lunch was HELLA awkward. We sat and talked and I attempted to take the attention off the conversation at hand.

Me: Friend, you'd never believe what happened to me today.
Shayla: Oh Lord...what happened?
Me: Another chick tried to hit on me.
Shayla: What?!
Me: My spin instructor.
Shayla: Don't you work out at Fitness Connections on Market Blvd?
Me: Yes!
Shayla: Oh shit! Brittney?
Shayla: She's a friend of a friend. Superrrr flirty!
Me: I guess I never peeped.
Me: She came right out with it today.
Shayla: What'd she do?
Me: Asked me to lunch. I thought it was on some post workout type shit. But nah. She straight up asked me on a date.
Shayla: No wayyy!
Shayla: What are you doing to these women?!
Me: NOTHING! I swear!
Me: Wait. You'd tell me the truth, right? Do I scream gay or something?
Shayla: To be honest...yeah...a lil bit. You give me femme vibes.
Me: Howww?
Shayla: I don't really know how to describe it. BUT when I first met you, I didn't realize you were Cam's girl. I actually thought you and Jess were together.
Me: WHAT?!
Shayla: I think whenever me and Ty came to your place for game night, we all came in at the same time and I think during the introductions, I got you mixed up with one of the other ladies. Then when someone called your name a few minutes later, I was like oh damn!
Shayla: You and Jess are hella close. If people didn't know, they'd assume.
Me: Well damn...
Shayla: But even outside of that...the gaydar is definitely real. And you set the alarm off.

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