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I used my key to unlock the backdoor to my parents house. My daddy was sitting in his recliner watching the Mavericks game.

Me: Hey daddy!

Daddy: Hey baby what you doing on this side of town?

Me: I'm just visiting. Did mama cook?

Daddy: She's back there now.

I hugged my daddy and went to find my mama in the kitchen. Mama loved to cook. Since she was a young girl, she would go bother my grandma in the kitchen until she let her help.

Me: Hey mama! Whatcha got going in here? Smells good!

Mama: Oh, what a nice surprise. Whip this cornbread for me.

Me: See this is why I like to come after everything has been made.

She laughed at me. "Give me the bowl," I said after giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Me: Where's Layla at?

Mama: She should be home any minute. You know there was a recall on a part on the transmission on her car, so we took it to the dealership so they could replace it. She's supposed to be riding home with some boy.

Me: She got a boyfriend?

Mama: Chile, I don't know what they are. She's been riding home with him everyday. You know your daddy has been on her case. He told her she wasn't allowed to date until she's twenty-five.

Me: Oh Lord...

I washed my hands at the sink. Outside in the driveway, I noticed a car in the driveway with all the lights off. "Oh I think she's home," I told mama. I glanced out the window being my usual nosy self. I couldn't make out the figures in the dark. "Mama, is the back motion light out?" I'm full on peeking through the windows at this point. "You know I've been telling your daddy to get his ass out there and replace the bulb for at least a week." I laughed. "Well you know how daddy is. You probably got another week before he actually does it."

A few more minutes passed by and I had finished mixing the cornbread, so I went outside to see what was keeping Layla. As I got closer to the window, I realized exactly what was taking so long. I knocked on the window, scaring the hell out of her. She damn near jumped out of her skin. She hurriedly opened the car door and got out. "I'll see you tomorrow, Justin," she said nervously. "I'm her big sister, Jayden. Nice to meet you, Justin." I interceded. She looked so embarrassed. "Nice to meet you," he said awkwardly smiling. "Drive safe!" Layla closed the door and rushed into the house. "Yeah, get in here before your daddy has a heart attack." I put my arm over her shoulder as we walked in the house.

Layla: What you doing over here?

Me: Why does everybody keep asking me that? I can't drop by to see my family?

Layla: Nah you all in love now.

Me: Shut up!

Layla: I'm just saying! Since you wanna come through busting up my shit!

Me: He's cute. That your boyfriend?

Layla: Yeah, we've been together for like three months. He cool.

Me: I mean obviously. Cool enough for you to risk death? Out here kissing and being grown. Daddy gon shoot that lil boy.

Layla: Daddy is usually knocked the hell out when I get home. He don't be thinking about me.

Me: Yeah whatever...you need to be focusing on them scholarship applications I sent you.

Layla: Ohhhh yeahhh! Since you're here, you can come proofread my essay. I've been meaning to email it to you, but I've been busy.

Me: You been busy alright!

Layla: Shut up, fool!

She pushed me as we opened the back screen door and went back in the house. Mama was setting the porcelain serving dishes on the table. Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, cornbread, fresh cut green beans, tossed salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and mama's homemade vinegarette dressing. I picked a damn good day to come home.

After dinner, I went up to Layla's room and helped her with her college scholarship essays. She was in her last semester of high school and deadlines were approaching rapidly. I was sending every scholarship I heard about, to her to apply for. She had gotten accepted to every school she applied for and was in the process of narrowing down her selections. She really wanted a basketball scholarship, but as the signing date approached, she hadn't received any offers. We were relying on academics to push her through. She was hella smart though. I wasn't worried about her.

I made her tell me all about her little boyfriend and questioned her about whether she was having sex and gave her a talk about waiting and using protection. It wasn't our first talk and I'm sure my parents had talked to her. I just hoped she was listening and being smart.

Me: If you started having sex, would you tell me?

Layla: Oh my goshhhhh, yesss. Let it goooo!

Me: I just gotta make sure. I don't want you getting caught up.

Layla: I'm not even thinking about sex right now! We pretty much just be making out in the car and shit. Like he fine and all, but he not that special. I'm not tryna mess up my future!

Me: So you have been listening...

Layla: Yes, fool! I'm not dumb!

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