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I shove my phone in my pocket and rush out of the bedroom. "Jess! Where you going?! Jess!" She doesn't look back or stop as she rushes down the hallway past the kitchen and out the garage door. I followed behind her. "Cam! Turn the fire off and get out here. Now!" Cam calls out after me trying to see what's going on. There is no time for me to stop and explain. I realize that Jess is about to confront Deon.

As Jess jogs across the street, I pull out my phone and text Nuri to keep an eye on the kids and that we'll be right back." All I could do is pray that we weren't about to walk in on exactly what I thought we were about to walk in on. Jess doesn't even ring the doorbell. She storms straight into the front door, as if it's her house.

I barely get my foot in the threshold before I hear "YOU ARE A NASTY MUTHAFUCKA!" Deon is on his knees. The neighbor jumps up to pull his pants up. "AND NIGGA, YOU ARE FUCKING MARRIED!" She pointed at the neighbor. The look on Deon's face was like he'd seen a ghost. He was horrified. Jess had maneuvered around the couch to where they were and was about to lunge at Deon.

Cam came running through the door. "Yo! Deon! The fuck are you doing, bro!?!" Deon immediately starts trying to explain and make excuses. "Cam. Bro. It's not what it looks like." Cam grabbed Jess before she could jump on Deon. "Jess. Baby. You gotta calm down," I said, immediately going to her trying to calm her and console her. I knew it would come to this. Jess has been a firecracker our entire lives.

"Cam, your friend has been lying to you. Everything they said he did! He did that shit. He's a nasty ho fucking and sucking anything with a pulse. Tell your boy, Deon! That's your brother right?! I know he don't know all the foul shit you been doing!"

Deon: Jess...baby...I can explain. It's not what it looks like.
Jess: Oh so you gon keep lying?! Bet. I'll tell him then.
Me: Jess, d--

Jess interrupted, still struggling to be freed from Cam's grip. He had her in a full bear hug and she kicked trying to free her arms.

Jess: Nah Cam. You need to know. He's a fraud. I caught his ass on camera outside pushing up on Garrett trying to kiss him. Why you think he been over here so long?! He in here on his fucking knees sucking dick while you over there in the kitchen slaving. The kids and everybody at the house. How long you been fucking this nigga? Huh? Broderick? How long you been fucking Deon? Where your wife at?! She needs to know your nasty ass in here getting head from another nigga.

Me: Babe...you gotta get her outta here. I don't know where to. But she's gotta calm down before somebody gets hurt.
Jess: Nah Jay! I'm not gon play nice! I saw your phone, Deon! I saw all of it!
Deon: You went through my phone?!
Jess: Broderick, you the reason he was "in the neighborhood" a few months ago huh?! Begging me to take him back. This nigga got hella pictures in his phone. Dick pics from random niggas. Videos fucking and sucking niggas. Fucking other bitches. His phone is fucking pornhub. You better hope you don't catch nothing, Broderick! Cuz you not the only one doing the bending. His dick has been all across the United States and back. You better get tested. And tell your wife to get tested too cuz you done passed her whatever he probably got.

Cam was shook. He didn't say a word.

Cam: She can't go back over there with the kids like this.
Me: I don't know what to do. I tried to stop her.
Jess: You're a fucking liar, Deon! Why would you even come crawling back if you were doing all this shit?! You coulda did your dirt in peace but you drug me into it. You not the nigga I thought you were. I fucked up. I did my dirt. I took accountability for all of it. But this is sick. I have a child. You playing in my baby's face knowing fucking well what you're doing.
Cam: Bro...what is going on? I asked you if you were good. What are you doing, man?! This ain't it.
Deon: It's not even like that, Cam.
Me: We saw everything, Deon. It's time to give it up. You need to start being honest with yourself and you need to be honest with her.
Cam: Are you gay, man? You like dudes? That's cool. You know I'd never judge you for that. But you being wreckless, fam?! Somebody gon get hurt. You see her?! She's hurt!

Cam released Jess. She seemed calmer, but her face was full of tears. I grabbed her hand.

Jess: You didn't have to bring me into this. We could've went our separate ways and that be it. But now I gotta worry about what you've exposed me to. What you've exposed Garrett to. I fucking trusted every word you've ever told me. And now I don't believe anything you've ever said. Were you running the escort service?! Did you frame your friend?!
Cam: Deon...bro. Forreal. What the fuck?!
Deon: I'm not doing this. I'm not. Y'all not finna fucking bully me.
Cam: I'm your brother. You know this ain't that. But you've gotten all these people involved in whatever you got going on and you owe her an explanation.
Jess: You had me out here looking like the bad guy and you had a whole nother life. And you lying to your own brother! You lying to me! You are SICK.
Deon: I'm not doing this here.
Cam: Bro...come on. Let's go.
Jess: Get whatever shit you have at my house and get the fuck out. And do not come back. If I ever see your fucking face again, I'm getting a restraining order on your ass. Cuz you clearly not a safe muthafucka for me or my kid to be around. Get some fucking help. Nasty ass bitch.

Deon ran at Jess. "Cam!" I yelled out. He grabbed him before he could get to her. "Babe, you need to go get his keys or phone or whatever. Ima get him to his car. They need to be separated."

Broderick yelled out "I'm sorry, Jessica!" before we walked out of his house. "FUCK YOU!" she yelled back.

Me: Jess, babe. We're gonna take a drive. Or something. I don't know. But we gotta get you outta here.

I made her come with me. She was in full tears. Her eyes were bloodshot red. Her face was red. Veins were coming through. We walked outside, hand in hand. "Hey. The good thing is that you're already divorced. You don't have his kid. You literally never have to see him again. You are going to be okay."

I told her to stay in the garage while I went to get Deon's things. I also grabbed my keys and phone. Once I made it back outside, she was sitting in a chair in the garage watching Cam escort Deon outside. I handed him Deon's stuff and he got him in the car.

Cam: Go home, bro. I'm gonna call you later. But we don't need a scene in front of the kids. You better be ready to fess up to everything. I'm not playing, dawg. We been boys too long. Whatever the fuck is gonna on, you need to get it together. You got a career and a reputation to think about. You got too much shit to lose.

Deon did as he was told and sped off. Broderick never made his way outside. But I hoped he was embarrassed and on egg shells. This was way too much for one day. The whole fish fry was ruined.

Cam walked over to us and knelt down to Jess. "Hey. You gotta know I didn't know none of that was going on. He's clearly been lying to me like he's been lying to you. And you deserve better than that. I will make sure to the best of my abilities that he has no contact with you or Morgan. Me and Jay got you." He rubbed her shoulder. I hugged him nearly in tears my damn self. "I tried to stop her. She was so upset." He wrapped his arms around me. "I can't blame her." He kissed my head. "I gotta go back in here and finish cooking and clean up and get the kids fed. I'll handle everything here. Take her somewhere and make sure she's good. Okay?"

I shook my head before letting him go. "You gon be alright Jess. As fucked up as this all is. We got you."

Once Cam was inside, I knelt down to her. "Where do you wanna go?" She pulled out her phone. "I need to go somewhere and talk to Garrett."

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