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To Jayden:
You are my literal soulmate. Through thick and through thin. Through joy and through chaos. Through marriage and divorce. You have been by my side. You have loved me. You have held me. You have encouraged me. As far as I concerned, you are Morgan's second mama. You love her as an extension of me. You guide her. You correct her. You protect her. I will never stop thanking God for blessing me with you for a best friend. I hope that I am spending my days on this earth being the friend and sister you need, the same way you've done for me. I will always pull up any time of day in any and every situation for you.
I love you, baby!

To Garrett:
Today we celebrate five years of marriage. I still can't believe I let you woo me into marriage again. But it has been the best five years of my life. It feels cliché to say that you are my knight in shining armor. But you are. You're a lover and a friend. You show up for me and Morgan every single day. When I was at my lowest, you lifted me up. When I was at my highest, it was because of you. To the absolute love of my life, I'm sorry it took me so long to choose you. But thank you for choosing me back and making me believe in eternal love even when my stubborn ass didn't want to.

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