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Deon: I mean...am I tripping, bro? I thought we were locked in.
Cam: I mean...did y'all talking about being exclusive? There's got to be a miscommunication somewhere.
Deon: I don't know, man. Regardless, rolling up and seeing a whole nother dude there is still kinda fucked up.
Cam: That girl is grown, bro. If you didn't lock her down, you can't get mad if she's still seeing other niggas.
Deon: A white boy though?!
Cam: I mean...nigga you obviously ain't hittin' it!
Deon: So you on her side?!
Cam: Nah. I'm on your side but how you coming back and forth to see a chick for months and you only hit it once?! She got needs too! She not gon sit around and wait for you, fam. She not that kinda chick.
Deon: I don't know, bro. I thought we were just taking it slow.
Cam: And you can! But you still got establish something boundaries or at least define what the relationship is and what you're striving for!
Deon: I told her I was moving to Dallas!
Cam: So what?! You could already be in Dallas. You still didn't tell her you wanted to be her man.
Deon: So you saying I should give it another chance?
Cam: I'm saying if you really like her, then yes. If it don't mean nothing to you, then move on.
Deon: It does mean something to me. But what kinda chick be out here entertaining multiple dudes like this? How I know she ain't got nobody else in addition to the white boy?
Cam: Nigga! She don't belong to you!
Deon: So you telling me if you found out Jayden was kicking it with another nigga you'd be cool?
Cam: If I hadn't locked her down, yeah I would. But the difference between me and you is that I jumped on that. I told her right away what we were and what I wanted. You and Jess just been kickin' it and you feel entitled to more than that but you ain't marked your territory. And between me and you, I heard her telling Jay that he be killin' her shit.
Deon: That skinny ass white boy? No way!
Cam: Yes way! And he got money too.
Deon: Nigga, I got money!
Cam: But you ain't making no moves! That white boy is tryna lock her down.
Deon: So why hasn't he? If he supposedly hittin' it so good.
Cam: Lowkey, she waiting on you. You better stop playing before she give him a chance.
Deon: I don't know, bro.
Cam: Alright, don't listen to me. I'm just letting you know. If she ended up marrying that white boy and Jay drag me off to the wedding, you can't get mad at me.
Deon: Man whatever! I gotta go!
Cam: Alright, bro. You better listen to me.
Deon: I'll text you later.

When I hung up with Deon, Jayden's nosy ass came running back in the home office trying to see what happened. She was more invested in Deon and Jess' situation than they were.

Cam: He's not hearing me.
Jayden: Alright, so then we gotta set them up. He can ignore her calls and texts, but he not gon walk out on her in person.
Cam: I don't know...
Jayden: You just get him there. Tell him y'all gon grab dinner and kick it or something. I'll take care of the rest.
Cam: I can't be responsible if she gets hurt.
Jayden: She's a big girl. She can take it.
Cam: Okay...


I don't know. It just feels like this whole situation was a punch to the chest. I didn't see it coming. I'm not the simp type, but when I feel something for someone, I do step back from other situations. It's just me. I don't know if I have the energy to entertain multiple at once. It becomes too complicated.

But Jess, she did it effortlessly. Based on our time together, I wouldn't have even considered that there was another guy in her life. She seemed to be focused on me. I lowkey feel like I'm being a bitch ass nigga though and I should just stop being in my feelings. She's dope and I know she fucks with me heavy. And maybe Cam is right. I need to lock her down. I'm a nigga who is secure in myself and I'm not focused on what other niggas are doing. Ima handle my business regardless.

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