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Dr. Casey: Hold your head up for me, little man. Ahh yes, I see.

Cam Jr. had been up all night crying and refusing to sleep. After calling the pediatrician after hours nurse line, Jayden was advised to just wait until morning to bring him in, so as not to risk further exposure to other illnesses at the ER.

Once morning came, Jayden dropped the twins off to preschool and headed to the pediatrician. They didn't have to wait long before they were seen.

Dr. Casey: Poor guy has a double ear infection. We'll get him started on an antibiotic and you can alternate Tylenol and Motrin to help with the pain and discomfort.

Jayden: Thank you so much. He kept grabbing at his head and I just didn't know what to do. None of my kids had ever had an ear infection before.

Dr. Casey: He'll be fine, mama. He's just a little uncomfortable. The antibiotic should clear everything up. He just needs some relief so he can get some sleep.

Jayden checked out of the doctor's office and got Cam Jr. buckled in his car seat. She and Cam Jr. headed down E. Robinson St. to get his prescription and head home. She sent Cam a text letting him know what was going on. Cam Jr. had dozed off in the backseat.

At the stoplight, she noticed a woman standing on the corner with a sign that read "MOTHER OF FOUR EVICTED & HOMELESS ANYTHING HELPS" There was an extremely weary look about her. Jayden let down her passenger side window and handed the lady a twenty dollar bill. As she was letting her window back up, she heard a knock on her drivers side window that startled her. When she turned around there was a gun pointed directly at her. A tall white man stood there with a bandana over his face. The only thing she could see was his green eyes. "Get the fuck out of the car!" "Okay, please don't shoot!" "HURRY UP, BITCH!" "Please my baby is in the car. You can have it all. Just let me get him."

Jayden reached the backseat to unbuckle him and before she could, the woman had reached inside the window and unlocked the doors. In a matter of seconds, Jayden was drug out of the car and left lying on the ground and the pair sped off through the intersection. Jayden lay in the middle of the street crying. She jumped up and tried to chase the car, but it was too late. She couldn't even see her black Range Rover anymore.

Several cars approached the intersection coming to a screeching halt. She banged on the hood of a white Honda Pilot. "Please! somebody help! Call the police! I just got carjacked and my baby was in the car! Please! They just took him!"

Stranger: Ma'am, are you okay? I'm calling the police now. What kind of car was it?

Jayden: Black Range Rover. Please hurry!

Jayden was hysterical, screaming, and crying. Her phone, purse, everything was in the car with Cam Jr.

Jayden: Please tell them to hurry up! My baby is in the car. Black Range Rover. License plate XP4-68G. My two year old is in the car.

The stranger in the middle of the street was repeating everything to the police dispatcher.

Jayden: He's two years old. Black with short curly hair. He has on a red Mickey Mouse shirt and black jeans and red and white shoes. He's just a baby! They can't hurt my baby! My phone is in the car! I need to call my husband.

Stranger: Ma'am, the police are on their way. The dispatcher has already put out the description of the car. They're going to catch them. Let's get out of the street here.

They began to hear sirens in the distance.

Jayden: I...I...I always give money to people on the corner. I know people hit hard times and I can help so I do. She...she pretended to be a mother and she let him take my baby. What if they hurt him?!

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