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Cam and Jayden were preparing for their next game night. Cam whipped up his famous spicy rotel nachos. Jayden fried some hot wings. Jess brought Jell-O shots, alcohol and some weed. It had been a minute, since it was a little harder to plan things with kids.

Auntie Faith came by to get the kids and take them to her house to spend the night. Jayden and Cam invited Justice and told her to have April and Aaden tag along.

Jayden set out the games. Family Feud and Black Card Revoked. She set out a deck of cards for spades. All of their friends started arriving.

Jayden: To enter, you have to take a shot! Dems da rules! Help yourself to nachos, wings, and drinks.

Justice, April, & Aaden arrived and introduced themselves. Jayden hugged all three of them.

Jayden: It's so good to finally meet y'all.

April: Likewise. Thanks for inviting us. I brought you a little something.

April pulled out a ziplock bag of weed.

April: It's a fourth.

Jayden: Oh shit! You're definitely welcomed back.

April laughed.

Jayden: There are wings and nachos in the kitchen. Help yourself. There are drinks in the fridge and on the counter. Bathroom is down the hall to the right.

Aaden: Thanks, Jayden!

Everybody grabbed a plate and gathered around the living room.

Cam: It's Family Feud night! Y'all know how we do! Tonight we're going singles vs. couples. BUT, it's uneven so somebody is gonna have to be the judge.

Bre: I'll be the odd man out.

Jayden: Thanks for volunteering, Bre!

Cam: We gon switch it up. Family Feud After Dark is the game! That means shit might get real! Ima throw a lil spin on it and say when it's your turn, you have to take a shot. Y'all ready? Bre, first question! Losers take a shot after each round.

Bre: Name the body part that you kiss first before or during sex.

Aaden: We're jumping right in. Okay, alright.

Cam: Lips!

Jayden: Good answer, baby!

Bre: Lips is the number one answer. Would you like to pass or play?

Cam: We gon play!

They laughed and shouted the answers. Couples won the first round. Singles won the second round. Singles won the third round.

Jayden: Boooo!

Everyone got more snacks and drinks. Jayden fired up a few blunts and started passing. They played Black Card revoked. Everyone was lit. The game got rowdy.

Cam: Alright, niggas! It's finna get real up in here. It's time for Never Have I Ever. Don't hold back! I'm going first, cuz I'm the host. Let me think right quick. Never Have I Ever...made out with my best friend...

Justice, Jess, Jayden, Drayah, and Kendrick put down their fingers.

Cam: Nasty!

Jayden: Hey this isn't fair because y'all made me and Jess make out in the last Truth or Dare.

Cam: I know! That's why I said it.

Deon: Alright, I'm next. Never Have I Ever...gotten high at church.

Jess put a finger down.

Deon: BABE!

Jess: I was wild in high school. You know this!

Shayla: Okay, Okay never have everrr had a threesome with someone in this room, who is not my significant other.

Cam, Justice, Jayden, Drayah, Kendrick, and April put their fingers down. Jayden turned bright red.

Shayla: Oh NIGGA...I fully expected that to be like one person. Y'all be WILDIN'!

DJ: I wouldn't have expected Jayden.

Jayden: I am not telling. Do not ask.

Justice and April were looking at each other cracking up laughing.

Jayden: Justice, shut the fuck up!

Justice: I didn't say nothing.

Drayah: Alright, you muthafuckas are plotting against me. So I'm finna air it out. Never have I ever spent $1000 on a stripper in one night.

Deon, Cam, Kendrick, Peyton, and Aaden put a finger down.

Jayden: CAMEREN!

Cam: Yo...Deon's bachelor party was lit.

Jess: Woooooooow!

Deon: Drayah you a opp for that!

Micah: I'm lighten it up real quick. Never have I ever taken more than 10 shots in one night.

Justice, Jess, and Drayah put their fingers down.

Ty: How is that Jess drop a finger damn near every question?!

Jess: You don't know me like Jay knows me.

Jayden: Facts.

April: Jess & Justice are tied. I'm finna shatter all this shit. Never have I ever...had sex with 3 or more other people at once.

Justice: Oh you bitch...

Justice, Jess, & Drayah put their fingers down.

DJ: So what I'm gathering is that new friend is a FREAK freak. We been knew about Jess and Drayah.

Justice: I'm really not that bad. Most of my shit was in college.

April: *air quotes* MOST!

Justice: Fuck. You!

Aaden: was cracking up.

Shayla: I like Justice! You've officially been initiated into the friend group.

Kendrick: So clearly since this is a competition between Justice, Jess, & Drayah. Let me come up with something good. Never Have I Ever...went on a blind date, fucked the person, and never saw them again.


Ty: Oh bitch...I must hear the story.

Jess: So listen...The only person who knows this story is Jay. I am no longer friends with the person who set me up with this guy...but...a college friend hooked me up with her friend's brother. The date was fine. I'm thinking we had hit it off. We went back to his place and the dick was TRASHHHHH. God, it was so bad. I pretended to start my period and I got the fuck outta there. I blocked that nigga as soon as I stepped out of his apartment.

DJ: Yooo was it small or what?

Jess: He wasn't small. He was fairly average. He just sucked. I'm having flashbacks. First of all, he bit my clit. And the strokes were just awful.

Jayden: ahahahahaha! She called me in the car PISSED!

Jess: I cannot believe I lost the game on that bullshit.

Cam: Yo sis, I'm sorry about your L. But you know you gotta take a shot.

Jess: Fuck you, Cam! And fuck you, Kendrick for even coming up with that question!

Everybody was cracking up laughing.

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