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Jayden: I need to talk to you.

Jess: About what?

Jayden: I don't even know where to start.

Jess: What is it?!

Jayden: I think I have...

Jess: Okay, no. I know what it is. Don't say it.

Jayden: You do?

Jess: If this is about Micah, I swear to God, Jay.

Jayden: How did you know?!

Jess: I see the way you look at her. Your eyes follow her around everywhere she goes. I'm your best friend. You think I don't notice? What the fuck?

Jayden: Is it that obvious?!

Jess: It is to me. I don't know about everyone else.

Jayden: Jesus. I don't know what to do.

Jess: You go home to Cam and you let that man make love to you and forget all about this bullshit.

Jayden: I cannot stop thinking about her. I fantasize about her all day long. I masturbate to the thought of her and me.

Jess: You haven't even been with a girl.

Jayden: I mean there was me and you in Cam's pool.

Jess: We were high AND drunk and it was a dare.

Jayden: I kinda liked it...

Jess: Get the fuck outta here, J! What are you even talking about?!

Jayden: I'm mostly joking...

Jess: I mean I get it...she is fine but this isn't you and you love Cam...right?!

Jayden: Of course I love Cam!

Jess: Jayden. Don't do no dumb shit.

Jayden: J, I'm losing my mind.

Jess: Well then you have to fire her!

Jayden: I'm not doing that! The kids love her! And now she hangs out with the group.

Jess: We're gonna have to ghost her.

Jayden: J...

Jess: I'm serious! You're gonna fuck up!

Jayden: You don't think something would happen, do you?

Jess: Temptation is a muthafucka, friend. You don't want that shit in your life. That bitch lives in your house. She is there when your husband isn't, when your kids are sleeping. Those feelings didn't just develop outta thin air. The opportunities were there and they'll still be until she's out of the picture.

Jayden thought long and hard about her conversation with Jess on the way home from the restaurant. She opted not to tell Jess that she'd spoken with Shayla about her dilemma. She didn't want to fire Micah, and she really liked having her around. Polyamory was too much. She made up her mind that these thoughts were crazy and she needed to let it go.

When Jayden got home, Micah was in the kitchen getting a snack.

Micah: So how was dinner?

Jayden: It was good! Good recommendation.

Micah: I was just about to watch this new movie I heard about on Netflix. Figured you be lonely tonight...wanna watch?

Jayden: Yeah let me get into something comfortable.

Micah microwaved some popcorn and went up to the media room. Jayden joined after she changed into one of Cam's t-shirts and some booty shorts. They sat down on the sectional and Micah started the movie.

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