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It had been a few months after the adoption conversation, Jay received a call from McKayla, a caseworker for an independent adoption agency.

McKayla: Hi Mrs. Taylor, do you have a moment?

Jay: Sure.

McKayla: We have some good news. The state has contacted us about a child for you. Well...children.

Jay: Children?

McKayla: Yes. So we usually don't work with the state but this is a special situation. There are two children. Siblings. The little girl is 7 years old. Her name is Daija. She has a sister who is 14, Nuri. Their parents passed away in a car accident last year. Their grandparents are deceased. The other grandparents live in another country and we have been unable to reach them. There are no other family that we can find. They've been in the foster care system throughout this whole process. But as you know, that system tends to separate children. They've reached out to our agency under special consideration and they are willing to bypass the fostering process for adoption finalization. Typically if they found a family, they'd have to be fostered and go under normal state visitation for a certain amount of time, before you could officially adopt. However, due to the circumstances, they have reached out to us under a limited partnership for extenuating cases like this. We've done all the background work, checked all of your references, everything is good to go.

Jay: I don't...know what to say.

McKayla: I know that this is a lot of to process and of course, and I know you'll need to talk to your husband.

Jay: Yes. Of course. When do we need to answer?

McKayla: Ideally, the end of the week. Realistically, before that.

Jay: Okay. Okay. I will call him and talk to him.

McKayla: I can schedule a meeting with the state agency and the children as soon as this afternoon.

Jay: Okay. I'm going to call him right now. I will call you back as soon as I can.

They hung up and Jay immediately called Cam.

Cam: Hey babe! I was just about to head into a meeting. Wassup?

Jay: Babe! The agency just called. They have a kid for us.

Cam: Word?

Jay: Well two kids.

Cam: Wait. Hold up.

Jay: Baby...listen. Two girls. They're sisters. Their parents died in a car accident last year. They have no family. 7 years old & 14 years old.

Cam: Wow.

Jay: We have to let them know by the end of the week.

Cam: That's soon, babe. I don't know.

Jay: We can meet them today. This afternoon. Can we at least just meet them? We can talk about it afterwards.

Cam: That's cool.

Jay: What time will your meeting be over?

Cam: Maybe an hour. Shouldn't be long.

Jay: Okay. Ima set up the meeting. I'll text you the time. Meet me at the house.

Cam: Alright babe.

Jay: Love you!

Cam: Love you too! Bye!


Jay: I know you're scared. But, what if we fall in love with them?

Cam: A teenager?!

Jay: Baby...what did we say a few weeks ago? If God says we're ready, we'll know.

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