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Me: See you later, okay baby?
Deon: Mmhmm!
Me: Kisses! Muah! I love you!
Deon: I love you too!

I shut the door to Deon's condo and headed downstairs with Jayden.

Jayden: Every time I come here, it's so weird seeing it decorated differently than Cam had it.
Me: Girl, Deon moved in here with a bed, a couch, a couple TVs, and some lamps. I had to make him buy an area rug and some wall decor, candles, pots and pans. I don't know what he was living like in Austin but I'm scared to know!
Jayden: You know how these bachelors are!
Me: Alright! So we're gonna hit up Pottery Barn kids to check out their crib bedding, possibly BuyBuyBaby, and JCPenny. My mama mailed me these coupons and she demanded I'd use them or she'd kill me.
Jayden: Did Garrett get all the furniture out tighter?
Me: Girl, he had the crib, dresser, changing table, and bookshelf knocked out within like four hours.
Jayden: You know, I love Deon but do you ever wonder what it would be like if you were with Garrett instead?
Me: All the time and I feel so guilty because Deon is great and I love him, but I feel like I should've given Garrett a chance. I don't know. I don't have regrets. Just curiosity. He's handled this so well and the peace of mind from that is just...I don't. In a perfect world, I'd have them both. I could see me having two husbands.
Jayden: Something is wrong with you.
Me: No forreal! Think about it! Double the help around the house! Imagine me being able to go shopping from both of their bank accounts! I honestly think I went about this the wrong way. I bet Garrett would agree to it, Deon not so much.
Jayden: What are you gonna do if Garrett meets someone and falls in love?
Me: I don't know. He seems pretty grounded. Baby girl isn't even here yet and he already puts her before everything else. I couldn't imagine being his wife. I'd lowkey get jealous.
Jayden: He's in love with you.
Me: No he's not!
Jayden: He's managed to figure out how to cater to you, but he does so just enough that he's not stepping over boundaries. The way he looks at you and even hugs you. Those little seemingly innocent kisses on the forehead. He wants you so bad. You can pretend like you don't see it, but he loves you.
Jess: I think he's just being the best he knows how to be and he's just overly affectionate in general.
Jayden: You aren't that naive.
Me: You really think that?
Jayden: Yes, girl! I just think he's mature enough to respect your relationship but the way he looks at you is undeniable.
Me: If you say so...

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