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Me: Hey...

Garrett: Hey, what's up? Jessica, this is Liz. Liz, this is Jess and Deon.

Deon: Welcome, y'all. Make yourselves at home. Garrett, you already know what it is, brother.

Garrett: Where's my baby?

Me: Mo, daddy's here!

Every other week, we had a family dinner where Garrett came over and enjoyed a meal with us that way he could spend some time with Morgan at the house. This time, he'd brought a guest. His new girlfriend, Elizabeth.

Morgan ran in the dining room and jumped in her daddy's arms. "Daddy! Daddy!" He eagerly lifted her up. "Heyyyyy baby girl, how are you?" She kissed him on the cheek and rubbed his hair. "Do you remember Ms. Liz?" She shook her head yes and jumped down to go play.

Deon: Alright, so...G, why don't you come help me in the kitchen and let the ladies do their thing?
Garrett: For sure, bro. What we doing?

Garrett gave Liz a kiss on the cheek and headed off to the kitchen.

Me: So what do you do?
Liz: I'm a realtor.
Me: I'm a realtor too!
Liz: Garrett didn't even tell me.

Liz was a tall, slender, brunette white woman. Not what I knew to be Garrett's type at all. But she was pretty. She wore jeans and an off the shoulder sweater with brown boots.

Me: So how long have you been in realty?
Liz: Sheesh. Whew. About twelve years.
Me: Oh wow! I'm at about 6, I think.

So my first thought was that, Liz is older. I started doing realty almost immediately after college and if she's been doing it for that long, she's pushing forty. This was even more shocking. Garrett liked black women. Young black women, or at least his age.

Me: Girl, do you want a glass of wine?
Liz: Who could turn down wine?!
Me: White or red?
Liz: Red, definitely.

*an hour and a half later*

Liz: You guys seem to be killing this coparent thing. I admire this set up you guys have.
Me: It really works. Garrett has been great from day one.
Liz: I can tell.
Me: Hey, let me go see what's keeping him up there.
Liz: Yeah...he's been at it for awhile.
Me: I hope Morgan isn't giving him trouble. Do you want some more wine?
Liz: I'm good, thank you.
Me: Okay I'll be right back.

I headed off to Morgan's room to check on her and Garrett. I quietly opened the door and he was curled up with her in her twin bed. She was knocked out. When he heard the door open, he peaked his head up and signaled me to "shhh." He peeked over at her and saw that she was asleep and carefully made his way out of the bed, so as not to wake her. The light my nightlight dimly lit the room, enough for me to see them.

Garrett: Man she put up a fight tonight...
Me: What was she doing?
Garrett: We read three books, then she was thirsty, then she wanted to read another book to her stuffed animals, then she wanted me to sing her a song. Finally after rubbing my beard for like I don't know. How long have I been up here? She finally fell asleep after allll of that.
Me: You're such a good daddy.
Garrett: I know. So umm how do you like Liz?
Me: She ain't like the others.
Garrett: What does that mean?
Me: I didn't know you liked white women.
Garrett: Trying something new.
Me: Uh huh.
Garrett: What you mean uh huh? Oh I get it. You're a little jealous.
Me: Of what? That flat ass? I'm good. She just doesn't seem like your type. But she's nice though
Garrett: What's my type?
Me: I mean...look at me.
Garrett: You didn't want me...
Me: It wasn't even like that and you know it.
Garrett: Whenever you're ready to come home to big daddy, I'm ready for you. Deon will understand.
Me: Shut up!
Garrett: I never stopped loving you.
Me: Here you go again.
Garrett: I haven't told you in awhile.
Me: You're so cute.

I placed my hand on his cheek and gave it a light pat. As I turned around to leave the room, he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. "Garrett..." He placed his arms around me and Lord he smelled so good. "Why you always tryna get me caught up?" He just held me. "I'm not..." He tried to pull away from me but I resisted. I rested on him as he held me without saying a word. "Why are you like this?" I said, completely overcome with emotion. He stroked my back. "You make it so hard not to want you..."

My head was telling me to get the fuck outta there as fast as possible. But the way my heart wanted him. The way my body craved him. "We should get back downstairs," I whispered. I did what my head told me to do. Pulling away, I bit my bottom lip cuz I wanted him. Oh how bad I wanted him. And he knew it.

Garrett didn't let me get away this time either. Dear God, I don't have much more resistance in me. Please, Lord. He pressed his body against me from behind, placing his right hand around my throat, gently gripping. Fuck. I could feel his dick on my ass and and I balled up my fists trying to keep it together "Garrett...". I loud out a deep breath. "What?" he teased. He breathed on my neck. "We gotta get downstairs..." I pulled away, this time barely escaping the bedroom. It was a few seconds before he made it out. Why I didn't go immediately downstairs, I don't know. I leaned against the wall of the linen closet in the hallway, with my hand on the doorknob twisting it slowly.

He stared at me intently, waiting on my next move. His eyes said "I'm ready for whatever." And so did my body. I slowly opened the linen closet and backed into it. He made his way towards me without saying a word. I'd accepted that I was about to fuck up. Bad.

As soon as I crossed the threshold of the closet door, he aggressively pushed me inside and closed the door behind us, hoisting me on a shelf all in one motion. I unbuckled his belt and pants button and watched his manhood emerge from the zipper that no longer restrained it. Flashbacks of our first sexual encounter appeared in my head like deja vu. He hiked up my dress and ripped my panties off. And I do mean that quite literally. My favorite panties were no more.

He shoved his erect dick in me and I gasped. "Shit!" He kissed all over my neck and shoulders "I've fucking missed you." He began to thrust into me hard as my chin rested on his shoulders, mouth gaping open. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head backwards so that he could kiss me. His lips dragged across my neck and then to my face. "I love you..." he moaned into my mouth. "I love you too."

He held me up, gripping my ass and fucking the shit out of me. We panted in unison. "Oh my God..." I moaned quietly trying to keep myself from getting too loud. "They're gonna catch us." I started to panic. "Garrett, we have to stop. Oh fuck." The way his dick glided in and out my pussy with ease from my wetness. Oh my God, I'm about to cum. "Shit! Ohhhh shit!" He placed his hand over my mouth. "Shhh, baby." I moaned "I'm cumming..." in the palm of his hand. "I know, baby...let it out. Oh you feel so good. I'm about to nut too." I gripped the back of his neck as I came all over his dick. Groaning in frustration from trying to contain myself. "Oh fuck here it comes..." I pushed him off of me. "This is how we ended up with a baby the first time." I dropped to my knees and took his manhood into my mouth. He looked surprised. I stroked him as he went in and out of my mouth. "Shit..." he moaned.

I began to tease the tip while stroking his shaft. It took literal seconds before he was busting a nut down my throat. "Jessssssss oh fuckkkkk!" He groaned, thrusting himself into my mouth. After I'd slurped him all up, I came off of my knees and helped him pull his pants back up. As he buttoned them back up, he kissed my lip smiling.

I made sure he looked presentable again while he was so high off of me that all he could do was pull me close and squeeze the fuck outta my ass. "We gotta get downstairs. Forreal. Before someone comes up here looking for us.

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