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*knock knock*


*knock knock knock*

*still silence*

I twisted the doorknob slowly and cracked the door. I could hear the shower running. I took a look around the room. The sheets and comforter had been stripped, presumably in the washer by now. Nuri's clothes were in the middle of the floor. Which she never did. Since she'd arrived, we'd never had to tell her to keep her room tidy.

I went to sit on the bed and as I lowered my butt, I thought "ehh better not." I stood back up, but not before noticing two used condoms in the trash can by her bed. Well she used protection. The whole room smelled like sweat. I walked out and went to the hall closet and grabbed a can of Clorox fabric sanitizer and Lysol Disinfectant Spray and sprayed her bed and the air.

I heard the shower stop and my heart started to beat fast as hell. I'm nervous like I'm the one that got caught. What the hell was I gonna say? What is SHE gonna say? What would I say if I got caught fucking at fifteen?

The bathroom door swung open and she jumped at the sight of me standing in the middle of her room. She stood with a lavender colored bath towel around her. "H-hi..." She froze. "Gon and get dressed," I said to her. She scurried to her dresser and grabbed some clothes and disappeared back into the bathroom. I heard her shuffling around trying to get dressed and I decided the safest place for me to sit was in the chair at her computer. Hopefully.

A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened again, but slower this time because she was expecting me. She picked up the dirty clothes off of the floor, tossed them in the hamper, and took a seat on her bed. The only thing I muster out after a long silence was "What were you thinking?!" She didn't reply immediately. Instead, she twirled her fingers, looking down at the floor. 

Nuri: I wasn't. I wasn't thinking.
Me: Obviously not.
Nuri: Can you tell Cam that I appreciate him not walking in on us? Him hearing was embarrassing enough.
Me: You can tell him yourself.
Nuri: W-what's my punishment?
Me: I don't even know that I've thought that far ahead. But definitely no more boys in the bedroom.
Nuri: I understand.
Me: I see you...uh...used protection.
Nuri: Y-yes we did.
Me: Is this the first time?
Nuri: Yeah...and I planned to tell you.
Me: Look, ima be honest with you. I'm torn here. Sex is human nature and I knew it would come, but it's still not easy as a parent.
Nuri: I held out as long as I could. I mean...maybe I could've had more self control. It's been really tempting lately. Like...hella tempting. Excuse my language. It was getting harder and harder.
Me: And I get all of that.
Nuri: So you're not mad?
Me: I told you. I'm torn. I told you that if it happened, use protection. And you did. We will probably still take you to get tested.
Nuri: Devin was a virgin too!
Me: And it's still good practice to get tested anyway. Cuz you never know.
Nuri: I trust him.
Me: I'm not saying I don't.
Nuri: Did you do that with your first?
Me: With my first and everybody after.
Nuri: How many?
Me: Umm...three.
Nuri: Including Justice? ...whoever that is...
Me: What?
Nuri: Dai told me.
Me: Of course she did...
Nuri: Ohhhh wait. Justice, as in coach Justice Young? My coach?!

Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! I facepalmed.

Nuri: I won't say anything.
Me: I appreciate that.
Nuri: So you like girls?
Me: Yes...
Nuri: Like while you're married?

I was not prepared to have this conversation with any of my children. Why was this happening? How did we even get to this point?

Me: Yes...Cam and I have an arrangement. I'm not cheating on him or anything.
Nuri: I didn't know that was a thing. Daija told me but you know how kids are.
Me: Yeah...she asked me about it but I didn't give her many details. I also wasn't going to lie to her. Just like I won't lie to you.
Nuri: I appreciate you being honest. I feel like my parents always thought certain things were off limits, like we were just kids and we wouldn't understand. But I research stuff, ya know? And kids talk.
Me: I believe in having honest, age appropriate talks. I think you're mature enough. You've showed me that. With Devin, I just want you to make sure you're able to handle all the emotional stuff that comes with sex. Things won't ever be the same after this.
Nuri: Like how?
Me: Well for one, your hormones are heightened. There's a certain emotional connection that is there now that wasn't there before.
Nuri: Like soul ties?
Me: I personally don't believe in soul ties, but I do think things just feel different when you're together after sex. I can't really explain it. But you'll know.
Nuri: Well...I'm sorry. You know I never meant to disappoint you.
Me: Hey...I've been there. I get it. My biggest concern is your safety. Safe sex, both so you don't get an STD/STI...and I know you said Devin was also a virgin. But we always practice safe no matter what. And then pregnancy...I don't want to leap towards birth control. But it is on the table. If you want to, we can schedule an appointment.
Nuri: I...don't know. My mom was always against it.
Me: I understand. I'm not here to pressure you or anything. And if I'm being honest, I kinda knew we would get to this point. I just hoped it was later. And not in my house.
Nuri: Am I going to get punished?
Me: Devin and I have to talk about it.
Nuri: Okay.

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