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Me: I just don't know if I can live like this anymore.
David: You're having a great time.
Me: I lost my family. I almost lost my career and my freedom.
David: I wouldn't have ever let that happen.
Me: So my family don't mean shit to you, huh?
David: You lost your family long before that. You let that white boy take your wife.
Me: I lost her because of you.
David: You don't get to blame me for your actions.
Me: Nigga, you basically locked me in a 360 deal.
David: You could've got out at anytime.
Me: You and me both know that ain't true.
David: The door is over there, nigga.
Me: I fucking love you! All I ever wanted was to just have you! I don't want all these other people.
David: You knew what I liked. You knew what you were signing up for.
Me: All of that shit is worth more to you, than me?!
David: I was who I was long before I met you! You can either take that shit or leave it! I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Me: Fuck you, David!
David: Like I said, you know where the door is. You ain't the first piece of ass and you won't be the last.
Me: You a fucked up ass nigga. I really wanna know how many people you've done this to.
David: All I did was give you a life you never would've had. Thanks to me, you've made more money than you ever would've made!
Me: And I have nobody to share it with. So why does it matter?!
David: All you have to do is play your role, nigga.
Me: I'm not even gay! You made me this way!
David: Can't nobody make you gay unless you already wanted to try dick. And nigga you were way too easy of a fuck for you to be acting like you didn't want it.

I lunged towards David. I wanted to knock his fucking head off his shoulders. I wanted his teeth in the back of his throat. Before I could land a punch, he weaved and hit me with a right hook. I stumbled into the table.

David: You not that nigga, Deon! You really forgot who I am, huh? I'm bout to show yo ass!

He punched me in my stomach and in my face again. I could feel the blood dripping from my nose and I'm pretty sure my rib was cracked. I was getting my ass whooped again. A-fucking-gain. My life was falling apart.

David: Now ima give you one more chance. You want out?! Then go. I'm not gon make you stay but if you go, you'll never manage another client again. You will never work in a sports league ever again. You walk out that door and your Black ass can't ever come back. So I hope you got your ducks in a row. Cuz you're done!

I sobbed into the carpet, holding my ribs. My life flashed before my eyes. All the work I put in. Was I ready to give it all up?! Was I really ready to be done with David?

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