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I was replying to an email from another professor when an email notification popped up from a Danielle Baker. I had no idea who it was, but it seemed legit and not spam or phishing, so I opened it.

Hi Jayden,

It's Danielle from the Thai restaurant. I hope I don't sound thirsty, but I got your email from the faculty directory on the university website.

I'll cut to the chase. I think you're gorgeous and I couldn't stop thinking about you after meeting you. Idk if that sounds weird, and I usually don't do this but I was kinda bummed when I didn't hear from you and was hoping that maybe you'd lost my card and not that you weren't interested.

If you're free, I'd love to meet for lunch sometime this week maybe?

My cell is 918-627-5555.


I took a picture of my computer screen with my phone and sent the message to Jess with the caption "GIRLLLLLL!" I was lowkey turned on by the persistence and didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her I wasn't interested.

I sent the message to Shayla. "Sis, you gotta help me! I made small talk with a chick at a Thai restaurant and she's trying to go on a date. How do I tell her I'm straight and let her down easy?"

Jess: Girl, what they hell were you wearing that night?! You must've looked TF GOODT! She is on you like white on rice.
Jess: Is the bitch at least cute? Goodness!
Me: Sis, she's FINE fine.
Me: I wouldn't have even picked up that she was lesbian.
Jess: Chile...

Shayla: Send her this.
Shayla: Hi Danielle, to be honest, I didn't reach out because I wasn't sure what to say. While I think you're a beautiful woman as well, unfortunately I am not into women and am currently in a serious relationship. It was really nice speaking to you. Have a good day!
Me: Thank you!!! 😩
Shayla: No problem, boo! What did you say to her? She wants you bad!
Me: I didn't say anything! We were just having small talk about the restaurant while we waited on our food!
Shayla: Well you must've been looking good because she went and found you!
Me: That's the same thing Jess said!



I hopped out of my GMC Acadia looking cute in my little cocktail dress. I was meeting up with the girls for happy hour at our favorite bar, Lindon's. It was owned by an older Black man, who opened back in the 60s, so Black people could have our own place to hang out.

Lindon was in his eighties now, so his daughter, London, had started managing it a few years prior. It had been me and Jayden's favorite spot since we were old enough to drink. We'd been around so long that London was like an extension of our sister circle.

I walked in and saw DJ and Leah already in our favorite booth. We were territorial about our shit, like on the episode of Girlfriends when the new group tried to take Joan, Toni, Maya, and Lynn's table at 847. I texted Jayden "Where yo ass at? Everybody here but you!" "I'm walking in now!"

I plopped down in the booth next to DJ and waited for London to come get our drink orders. A few minutes later, Jayden walks in with Ty and Shayla. "Hey, gworls! You're officially a part of our crew now!" I exclaimed smiling. We weren't expecting them, but they were cool people so I was excited to see them. Jayden scooted in the booth taking the last seat next to me and Ty and Shayla took the two seats next to Leah.

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