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Jayden: I want these babies out of meeeee!!!!! Aggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!

Jayden is now 37 weeks pregnant. She's measuring 50cm. Her scheduled c-section was not for another week, but she was tired. Her ankles were swollen. She couldn't sleep. She could barely walk. Braxton Hicks contractions happened often and she was over it. She let out a high pitched screech.

Jayden: I'm so tired, babe ughhh!

Cameren: I'm sorry.

Jayden: Okay this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna have sex and then we're going for a walk around the trail. And then we're gonna come back and we're gonna have sex again! I've heard walking and sex will make the babies come faster!

Cameren: *laughing* that isn't going to work.

Jayden: We're going to try. Let's go!

Cameren: You're crazy! I'm amazed at how sexy you've remained throughout pregnancy. Come here, girl.

He kissed her neck and her lips and her big pregnancy boobs. "I love you so much." "I have to pee." Cam got up and helped her out of bed. As soon as she stood up, warm liquid streamed down her legs. "Well I'm not gonna make it. She looked down confused thinking she'd peed herself. "My bladder can't be that weak." "Uhhh babe I think your water just broke." She waddled to her hospital bag. "Let's go!" "You not gon get no pants?!" "Oh. Right..." He helped her into clean panties and a pair of his sweatpants. They were the only thing that fit her. "Okay baby, you need anything else? You wanna eat? You know they not gon let you eat nothing." "Good thinking. That's why I love you."

She called her doctor on the way there. "You ready, mama?" "Fuck yes, I'm ready! I want my body back!" She dialed Jess and her mom on Group FaceTime. "I'm in labor! My water just broke. We're on the way to the hospital." "We're on our way, baby!" "Ohhhhh my Godddd!" "I think she's having contractions. Time it baby. We're almost there."

Cam: Hey Auntie Faith? Jayden's in labor. We're headed to the hospital.

Jayden: Stop at Whataburger!

Cam: Yes ma'am.

Cam whipped into the Whataburger parking lot and order Jay a bacon cheeseburger meal and they left. They arrived at the hospital. Cam ran in to get Jayden a wheelchair. He got to the front desk. "Hi Jayden. Your doctor is already here. We're ready for you. Husband, if you'd just wheel her around to that door, I'll let you in and the nurse will be waiting to take you to your room." He'll wheeled her around.

Jayden: I love the sound of husband.

Nurse: Hi I'm Tara! How are you doing?

Jayden: I'm good. I'm ready!

Nurse: I bet you are. Dr. Parker is already here waiting for you. We're just gonna take you back here and take your blood pressure, check your dilation, and monitor the babies' heart rate's and then soon you'll be headed to pre-op for your c-section.

Jayden: Jesusssssss! Ahhhhh!

Tara: Take deep breaths! Have you been having contractions?

Jayden: A little. Not often. My stomach gets really tight but it doesn't always feel painful.

Tara: That happens. Those are contractions. Sometimes they're not painful. Let's get you in your room and in a bed. Husband, if you will help her get into a gown and I'll be back to measure her and get her hooked up to the fetal heart monitor. Let me know if you need anything.

Jayden: Okay. Ahhhhh!

Tara left and Cam helped Jayden into the hospital gown and lifted her up on the bed.

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