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Cam: I'll be working late tonight again, babe.

Jayden: The kids were really excited to see you. They had a surprise and everything planned.

Cam: I'm sorry, baby. I really am.

Jayden: Can you at least call them and tell them goodnight?

Cam: I will call them.

Jayden: This is happening a lot, Cam. We need you home.

Cam: I know, baby. I promise things will go back to normal soon.

Jayden: I'm running all over trying to make it happen. Three toddlers, drop-offs, potty training. It's too much.

Cam: Baby...

Jayden: I'm tired of the baby's, Cameren. I need you home to help with OUR babies.

Cam: Jay, I gotta go.

Cameren hung up before she could say another word. She looked at the clock. 6:51pm. She finished up dinner. She peeked in the living room. JayJ was playing with her baby dolls, while CJ & Jayson were building blocks.

They had just celebrated CJ's second birthday and begun potty training him. Cam was working on a big marketing campaign, the biggest that his company had ever done. Commercials, billboards, social media ad campaigns. He'd worked late at least sixty percent of the nights over the last month, and Jayden was burnt out. When he was home, he was too tired to do much around the house. Jayden had already called a cleaning service to restore some order and help with a few things. But, she was still managing all the kids. JayJ and Jayson were playing tee ball. The schedules were just too overwhelming.

Jayden: Kids, come sit at your table so mommy can fix your plate.

The kids ran into the kitchen plopping down in their chairs. Jayden passed out plates, spoons, and sippy cups and the kids dug in.

*buzz buzzbuzz buzz*

Jayden: Hello?

Jess: Hey babymama, what are y'all up to?

Jayden: I'm feeding the kids. Wassup?

Jess: Deon's out of town. Morgan's with her daddy. I'm coming over!

Jayden: Okay...

Jess: I'm gonna come relieve you for a bit. Auntie J will occupy the kids and get them ready for bed, while you go have some wine, take a bubble bath, whatever you want to do.

Jayden: You don't have to do that, sis.

Jess: I'm doing it. I'm pulling up on your street now so unlock the front door. I left my key in my other purse.

Jayden sat at the bar with her plate. Jess burst through the front door. "Auntie J is here!"

Jayson: AJ!

JayJ: Auntie Jess!

She walked over to the table and gave the kids a kiss.

Jess: I brought you something special for dessert so eat all your dinner, okay?

CJ: Yay!

Jess sat her stuff down on the table and hugged Jayden from behind.

Jess: Hey baby!

Jay: Hiii sis!

Jess: I brought your favorite wine and your favorite ice cream and MY favorite bath bomb. I'll hang out with the kids so you can go relax for a bit.

Jay: Yes ma'am.

Jess: You need a break. Muah!

Jess gave Jayden a big kiss on the cheek. She headed to the cabinets and took out some bowls and an ice cream scoop and made each kid a small bowl of birthday cake ice cream that she had brought. She took up their plates and gave them their dessert.

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