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Cam stood on the side of my bed trying to get me to lay down and go to sleep. He clearly couldn't see the erection in my boxers. "Don't you wanna feel good?" He stood there looking annoyed. My head was spinning. "Bro...just lay down and get some sleep."

"You gave me X, nigga." I said with a smirk. I reached for his dick. "The fuck are you doing?! I didn't give you no fucking X." Cam was confused. I stood up off the bed, barely able to hold myself up. I grabbed his face. "Did you get that aspirin bottle out of the kitchen? Cuz I feel good as fuck. That wasn't no aspirin. That was ecstasy. Why don't you take one?! My dick is rock hard."

"D...you trippin', bro." I reached for him but he backed away, pushing me. "Cam...I know you into that freaky shit. I know what you and Jay be doing with Justice. You can't tell me..." He interrupted. "D, I'ma chalk this up to you being drunk and clearly high. But if you touch me again, ima beatcho ass!"

I walked towards him, dragging my feet. "Cam...you know I seen that dick back in high school. In the locker room...I know what you got and I want it." I reached out for him again...


I fumbled around for my phone. I couldn't even open my eyes. My ears were ringing. My head was pounding. I didn't know where the fuck I was. I looked around. There was blood on the carpet.

I realized that I was in my bedroom. But I was not in my bed. Because I was looking up at my bed. The sun beamed through my bedroom. I was confused as to why my curtains were open. Why didn't I close them the night before?

I tried to remember what had happened the night before. I recalled going to meet Cam at the bar. But everything after that was fuzzy. I sat up trying to figure out where the blood came from. There was none anywhere else on my body. I felt my face. My fingers had blood on them.

Struggling to pull myself off the floor, I reached over to my nightstand to get my phone. 11:43am. What the fuck happened?! Where is Cam?

I went down the hallway to the guest room. I remembered him saying he was going to sleep there. The bed was made. The room looked like it hadn't been touched. I looked at my phone, unlocking it. No messages. I went to my favorite contacts and dialed Cam's number.

It rang once before Cam answered. "Deon...we're done bro. Whatever weird shit you got going on, you gotta do on your own. This is the last straw." I looked at the phone confusingly. "I...don't even know what happened."

Cam: It was one thing when you were going through the legal stuff. It was another thing when you came to me and told me about all the shit you been doing. But to come at me like that. You know me. You know I don't get down like that.
Me: Cam...I don't even know what I did bro. But whatever it was, I'm sorry.
Cam: D, I can fuck with you no more. At all. You got too much shit going on and you're not about to drag me down with you. I have a family.
Me: Tell me happened! We been boys since we were kids! What the fuck did I do?!

Tears formed in my eyes and began to stream down my face.

Cam: I can't believe you made me put hands on you. You supposed to be my brother.

I rushed to the closest mirror I could find. "You...you did that?!" The entire left side of my face was swollen. There was dried blood on my lip. I looked down at the blood on my hand after making the connection that Cam had hit me.

Cam: You tried to fuck me. You tried to fuck me! You so drunk that you don't remember that shit?! You stashing X pills in aspirin bottles?! I thought I had grace. But you need help. You gotta get some fucking help! And unlike all the other times, I'm not gon be there to pick you up when you fall!

Me: Cam, man I'm sorry. I fucked up. You have to know I wouldn't have tried that shit sober.

Cam: It don't even fucking matter, dawg. The shit happened. I've never felt so fucking violated in my life. And I actually felt bad for knocking yo ass out. But I wasn't gon stay there and let that shit rock.

Me: I'm not even mad at you. You did what you had to do.

Cam: And ima keep doing what I gotta do. Ima have my assistant research some rehabs, some sexaholic anonymous or something. I don't even know, and email that shit to you. But as for me, I gotta create some distance. This not gon work for me no more.

Me: Cam...

Cam: I hope you get your shit figured out. I really hope you do. I don't wish no bad on you. I want nothing but the best. But I'm bowing out.

Me: You my brother...

Cam: I gotta go, D.

*beep beep beep*

The call went dead.

*incoming call from David* I pressed the accept button but couldn't bring myself to speak.

David: Babe...you there?

I replied in a low voice. I almost sounded hoarse. I felt like the life had been knocked out of me. And clearly it had. "I'm here."

David: I'm on my way back to the city. I was thinking we could gas up the jet and go to Mexico for the week.

Me: I...I don't know.

David: Are you okay? You don't sound good. I was thinking about you all night.

Me: I'm...a mess. I--don't know if I can do that.

David: Do what?! Since when do you turn down a vacation?

Me: David, I--

David: I'm not taking no for an answer. Pack your bags. I'll have Pedro come get you.

I didn't say no to David. I didn't ever say no. I wanted this. I wanted him. But I also wanted my best friend. My brother since the blacktop. But as I stared at my face in the mirror and the blood on my hands, I knew there was no way.

Cam always stood on business. He don't give you the chance to fuck him over twice. Ever. Whatever I did, there was no turning back.

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