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Me: We didn't talk about spin the bottle.

Devin: I didn't think we needed to.

Me: I think we do.

Devin: Okay...are you okay?

Me: Yeah.

Devin: Okay then what do you want to talk about?

Me: So, you kissed Symone?

Devin: Yeah. It was cool. But we just played the game. She has a boyfriend and I have you. I don't think either of us really took it seriously. Did you kiss Lasha?

Me: Yeah...

Devin: What happened?

Me: We made out.

Devin: Okay. Is that why you didn't come back to the party for awhile?

Me: We both mutually decided that we didn't wanna kiss anyone else because of germs and stuff.

Devin: I get that.

Me: Things got ummm...interesting.

Devin: How so?

Me: She's a lesbian.

Devin: Oh shit. Did she like try to turn you out?

Me: That's not a thing, D.

Devin: Well then what's the issue?

Me: She flirted. But I didn't stop it.

Devin: Well shit.

Me: I also didn't stop the kiss...I actually wanted more.

Devin: Damn.

Me: That's not all...

Devin: I mean...I think I can figure the rest out.

Me: I didn't want it to go that route. I can see how the game opens the doors for other stuff. It's kind of a dumb game, not that I've been a part of it. Not that I'm blaming it on the game. I still hold myself accountable.

Devin: I don't really know what to say.

Me: So...I will say that the things that happened weren't mutual. Well initially.

Devin: Okay.

Me: But...I did like it.

Devin: I can imagine...

Me: And I umm...I'm struggling with what I feel.

Devin: Are you saying you wanna break up with me?

Me: No, no! That's not at all what I'm saying. But I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about what happened.

Devin: So you like girls?

Me: I don't know.

Devin: Do you like her?

Me: I don't think I know the answer to that question either. I don't know if it's just lust or if I feel more. Like maybe I just got caught up in the moment and things just felt good.

Devin: But you're still thinking about it.

Me: I don't know, D.

Devin: I don't either, Nuri.

Me: I just wanted to be honest with you. You deserve honesty.

Devin: I do appreciate you for telling me and I do think you should have what you truly want. Even if it's not me.

Me: I do want you, babe.

Devin: I don't think I'm mad. Just confused.

Me: I am too.

Devin: You have to decide what you want. I'll always respect your choice.

Me: I want you to be my choice.

Devin: So what do you need to do? Where does that leave us?

Me: I don't wanna break up.

Devin: Do you think about her when you're with me?

Me: Honestly no...I don't think.

Devin: Have you talked to her?

Me: Not since the party.

Devin: Maybe you should.

Me: You're okay with that?

Devin: I want you to get the answers you need. I don't think you can fully be here with me if things are up in the air.

Me: Okay...

Devin: Okay.

Me: You know I love you, right?

Devin: I do.

Me: I didn't intend for any of this to happen.

Devin: You're human.

Me: But if I had just played the game and that was it, we wouldn't be here.

Devin: You played the game. You can't change the way the moment made you feel. Even if you stopped it, you still would feel whatever you felt.

Me: You really didn't feel nothing when you kissed Symone?

Devin: Honestly...we kinda cheated. We just did a quick peck. We didn't follow the thirty second rule.

Me: Maybe if you had...

Devin: If I had, everything would be fucked.

Me: Touché.

Devin: So let's not think of what-ifs. Let's process and figure out where we go from here. You're my best friend. I don't wanna lose you. But if it came to us breaking up...I'd still be here. Nothing would change except for the romance part.

Me: I really don't deserve you.

Devin: Trust me. You do.

He stroked my chin and kissed me. "You are a beautiful person, inside and out. You deserve happiness. I want that for you."

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