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Me: I need you to meet me somewhere right now.
Garrett: Are you okay? Where at? I'm on my way.
Me: The park by my house. Somewhere without people.
Garrett: Headed that way.
Me: Okay.

We hung up the phone and headed towards the park which was just a couple minutes away. Jay  handed me a pack of Kleenex from the glove compartment.

Me: This shit is so dumb, bro. Like he was gone out of my life. If that's the life he wanted, he had an out. We didn't have to do none of this. But he came back and I was stupid enough to let him.

Jay: You can't blame yourself for his actions.

Me: I felt so bad for the abortion. I really thought raising his kid while he was in prison was bad. But this shit here?! I would be sick if carried that nigga's child. God really saved me from the a lifetime of embarrassment.

As we pulled up to the park, Garrett's car sped into the lot. We got out of the car and walked over to an empty picnic table. I tried to gather myself but there were so many emotions happening.

Garrett: Hey!
Me: Hey...
Garrett: You good?! What the hell happened?! I've been waiting on you to call me back. It took everything in me not to pull up.

I sat down at the table first, Jay scooted in next to me. I leaned my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around me. "It's okay, babe," she reassured me. Garrett took a seat across from us and waited for me to tell him what this was all about.

Me: My head is fucking pounding.

Garrett extended his arms across the table. "Whatever it is, we'll work through together." I looked him in his eyes and held his hands. "Want me to tell him?" Jay asked. I could only mumble a low "yes."

Jay: Deon...umm. We caught him with you outside and she went to investigate and found out that he's been living on the DL and sleeping with hella people. Not just men. Women too. And when I say hella, I mean at least four. But 100% more than that. Probably dozens. We just opted to not seek any further evidence. We also caught him giving head to the married neighbor across the street after you left.
Garrett: Holy shit.
Me: Nasty as fuck. We need to get tested. Immediately. The amount of shit I saw was unbearable.
Garrett: We'll go first thing Monday morning. Are you okay?
Me: No. I'm not okay. But I'm glad all of this was revealed.
Jay: She's gonna be okay.
Garrett: I legit thought you had put him up to that. I don't even wanna tell you what he said.
Me: Tell me.
Garrett: Are you sure?
Me: Yes. I need to know.
Garrett: At first, he was just kinda cordial. Getting the bag or whatever. But then he pushed up on me. Like swiped his hand across my junk. I said "hey what's good bro?" I played into it. He's like "I knew it." I said "knew what?" He's like "you wanna come to my place later for drinks?" I'm like "what you tryna get into?" He's like "you." I asked if you were coming. He tells me got enough dick for us both. I'm like oh shit. He pulls it out. Like pull his waistband down so I could see. But that's when the neighbor came out. So I just got in my car and told him to text me later. 
Jay: He's disgusting.
Me: I don't have any words. You like that shit?!
Garrett: I thought you put him up to it. Under other circumstances, I woulda left him hanging. But I legit thought you were trying to get us together. 
Me: I would've discussed that with you first. And I would've never sent anyone to you without being present.
Jay: And to know that he was making a pass at you and then immediately went across the street and started fuckin' with ol' dude.
Me: I'm surprised nobody has accused him of sexual assault or harassment. He's a nasty ass muthafucka.
Garrett: J, I'm sorry. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you.
Me: I know it was all him. Looking at this pictures and videos and stuff...
Garrett: I want it to just be you and I from this point on.
Me: I need time.
Garrett: I understand that. I just want you to know I'm here. I wouldn't ever do shit behind your back.
Me: Thank you.
Garrett: Wait so. The charges...those were legit?
Jay: That's what we think. He was definitely involved.
Me: I should expose his ass.
Jay: You need to distance yourself and let him hang himself.
Me: You need tell Cam to distance himself from him. There's not enough loyalty in the world for the shit he's doing. And if he can't tell Cam, he know the shit is sketchy as hell. He gon get Cam caught up into his shit. Cam needs to cut his ass off.
Jay: I'll handle Cam. But I need to make sure you're good.
Me: I'm okay. I'm a big girl. I'm more mad than anything. I don't know what I'm gonna tell Mo. she adores him. I let him hang around, just to have to break her heart.
Jay: Kids are resilient, baby. She she's got an amazing daddy. And she's got me and Cam. My baby will be okay.

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