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Me: Hey...
Devin: Hey.

I slightly opened the front door for Devin to walk inside. He kissed me on the cheek. Every time he came close to me, I nearly melted at his scent. I'd put him on to the 'Marble' body care line in the men's section at Bath & Body Works. He smelled so damn good. His backpack was slung over his right shoulder. He had on his red and black letterman jacket, a black Nike shirt, some grey Nike joggers, and Nike slides.

Devin: Your folks here?
Me: Nah...everybody's gone. Micah took the kids to the park after school. Cam and Jay are still at work probably.

We headed in the kitchen to get some snacks. As I was reaching in the pantry for the large bag of Hot Cheetos that Jay had just gotten us the last time she was at the store. Devin walked up behind me, grabbing me, pulling me close, placing his arms around my waist. My knees buckled and a sensation shot through my entire body. There was a lot of that as of recent.

He kissed the back of my neck. My hair was in a high messy bun atop my head. I grabbed a bag of gummy bears and moved towards the fridge and grabbed a Body Armor drink and a bottle of water, his arms still around me.

With my arms full of snacks, we made our way up the stairs to my bedroom. I could feel his eyes watching me the whole way. "Do you have condoms?" I blurted out as he dropped his backpack to the floor and closed and locked my bedroom door.

Devin: What?
Me: Do you have condoms? I told you to get some. Just in case.
Devin: Uhh...yeah. I told you my dad gave me some. You ready for that?
Me: I don't know. But I wanna be prepared.
Devin: You thinking about it?
Me: You can't be grabbing me like that.
Devin: What? You liked it?
Me: Man...you want some snacks?

I turned on the TV and plopped down in my bed. I flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch as he took off his jacket, kicked off his shoes and joined me.

Me: You know I'm not supposed to have my door closed...or locked for that matter.
Devin: Ain't nobody here. We can just listen for them to pull up.
Me: That defeats the purpose of closing it and locking it.
Devin: Ooh! Martin! Leave it right there.
Me: Ain't this an old people show?!
Devin: Nah it's funny! My parents be watching the re-runs. It came on in the nineties.
Me: So an old people show, like I said.
Devin: If you say so, but it's still funny as shit.

"You got to go to work on Myra's feet!"

I busted out laughing. "Yooo!" We cracked up together. "See I told you!" He pulled me close and kissed my shoulder. "Okay okay! I'll give you that. Ima have to watch some more episodes." He rested his head on the pillow, his arm still around me. I pried open the bag of Haribo gummies and tossed a couple in my mouth. "I want some," he said, eyeing the bag. I fed him two or three before munching on a few more. "I bet you taste as good as those," he murmured. "What?!" My neck snapped around. "Oh I ain't say nothing," he backtracked.

Me: Say it again.
Devin: I didn't say nun, babe.
Me: If you say it, I might give you what you're asking for...

I tossed the bag of gummies on the nightstand and laid back on the pillow. He bit his bottom lip staring at me.

Me: Why you being all weird?
Devin: To be honest...I'm high.

He giggled and swiped his hand on his head a few times laying down his waves.

Me: What? You've been smoking?
Devin: Nah...my bro. He had some umm. He had some edibles and he gave me a bag. So I ate one.
Me: You drove high?
Devin: Nah...I think it just kicked in. I felt fine on the way over here.
Me: Are you crazy?
Devin: Take one wimme.
Me: Hell no, boy!
Devin: Look!

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