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Me: It's like a revolving door of dick around here. Not having to be secretive anymore has been the most stress relieving thing ever.
Jay: Something is wrong with you.

Jay and Cam had brought the kids over for a fish fry and all the kids were in the backyard playing, while she and I sat on the couch talking.

Deon: Ima go out to the garage and get the other fryer. I forgot to bring it in.
Me: Babe! Garrett is gonna drop off Morgan's ballet bag. She forgot it in his car the other day. I think he's about to pull up. Grab it while you're out there.
Deon: Aight!

Jay: He's been staying here?
Me: No. He came over this morning to help get everything ready. He's been out of town all week.
Jay: And what about Garrett?
Me: He's almost always here.
Jay: That's your real man. I don't know why you playing.
Me: He's just here more. You know Deon travels a lot. And it's been even more because it's free agency contract season. He's in a new city every day.
Jay: Oh shit! You know what! I forgot I had something for you. Lemme go out to the car and get it. Babe, you were supposed to remind me.
Cam: Shit, I forgot my damn self.


I grabbed the car keys out of Cam's pocket and went through the garage door out to my car. I was out shopping last week and ran across an art print that I knew Jess would love. I'd taken it to get it framed and had picked it up on the way to her house. Between the kids and carrying in food and drinks, I'd forgotten to go back and get it out of the car.

As I hit the corner of the garage, I saw Deon and Garrett standing on the curb by Garrett's car. Really close. What the hell?! I backed up a little bit so they wouldn't see me. But it damn sure looked like they had just finished kissing or were about to kiss. I reached for my phone to take a picture and realized that I must have left it on the couch. Fuck!

Jess hadn't told me that they were all messing around. And since I knew she wanted them to, I felt like she'd mention it to me. I watched for a little longer and they were definitely interacting more intimate that I'd known. And Deon was straight. Or so I thought.

"Hey brother! How you been? It's been awhile!" I heard a voice across the street. Deon told Garrett he'd give Mo her bag and then Garrett drove off. Deon crossed the street to talk to the neighbor who had called out to him. I rushed back in the house.

Me: Jess! Come here! I need you for a second.

I called out to her from the washroom. She headed my way. "You didn't tell me that you'd gotten all three of y'all in the mix!" She looked confused. "Who?" I looked at her grinning. "How did you convince Deon and Garrett to...you know?" She pulled me back through the kitchen and down the hall to her room.

Jess: The fuck are you talking about?!
Jay: Girl, Deon and Garrett were all outside all up on each other.
Jess: I haven't convinced Deon and Garrett to do shit. What are you talking about?
Jay: You told me you wanted them to mess around. They are definitely doing that.
Jess: What the hell did you see?
Jay: When I went outside, they were real close. Like they were about to kiss. Or just finished kissing. They were talking real close. Damn near mouth to mouth. I almost took a picture but I realized I left my phone in here.

She immediately left out of the room. "Where are you going?!" "Stay here!" She called back. She returned almost immediately with her phone. "What are you doing?" She sat on the bed.

Jess: I'm going through his damn phone.

Or what I thought was his phone...

Me: Okay wait. What is going on?! You got what you wanted.
Jess: Jay. I have not told D or Garrett to do anything. We have not discussed that at all. I've been doing my own thing with them individually. If they are fucking, I had no clue. Deon told me he's straight.
Me: What?! I know what I saw and I've never seen them interact like that.
Jess: Well good thing his phone is connected to the Bluetooth speaker to play music. Cuz that makes this a whole lot easier for me to figure out what's going on. Is Garrett still outside?
Me: No. He left. But Deon was talking to your neighbor across the street.
Jess: Okay good. We got a little time. They always chop it up for way too long.

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