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Cameren kissed Jayden's lips.

Cam: I love you.

Jay: I love you too.

Cam: The kids will be home from school soon. We wanna tell em the news today?

Jay: Uh huh.

Cam: Our lives are about to change. You know that right?

Jay: For the better.

He kissed her lips one last time before getting up and heading to the kitchen. Just as they entered the room CJ and the twins were coming in from school.

Jay: Hey babies!

Jayson: Daddy!

Cam: Hey, man! How was school?

The kids each ran to give their mommy and daddy a kiss.

Jayson: It was fun! Today we worked on our addition and we played dodgeball in PE! And I won!

Cam: My man! Daddy taught you well! What's 3+5?

Jayson: 8!

Cam: My boy is smart like daddy. That's what I'm talking about. High five!

Jayson gave his daddy a high five.

Cam: Hey baby girl! Daddy missed you today! Did you have fun at school?

Jayden: Uh huh!

Jay: Mommy and daddy need to tell you something.

Jayson: What is it?

Jay: Micah! Come here for a sec!

Micah came in the room.

CJ: Hi auntie Micah!

Micah: Heyyy how's my big man?

CJ: Good. I missed you at school today.

Micah: I missed you too, baby.

Jay: We were just about to share some news with the kids and wanted you to hear too.

Cam: So remember when we told you we wanted to adopt a little girl, so that you could have another sister?

Jayden: Mommy! Is my sister coming home today?

Jay: Not today. But possibly soon. But we have some even bigger news than that.

Jayden: What?!

Cam: You might be getting TWO sisters!

CJ: Ahh man? Two girls?! Oh no! The girls are gonna take over!

Jay, Micah, and Cam laughed.

Jay: Well they are older. So you'll have a big sister and a really big sister.

Jayson: But I like being the oldest.

Jay: Well you won't be the oldest anymore.

Cam: They're names are Daija. She's 7 years old. And Nuri. She's 14.

Jayden: 14?! Omg! She's gonna be a grown up soon!

Cam: She's got a few years left! But yeah, you're right.

Jay: So their mommy and daddy died. They got into a really bad accident and they need a home and a new mommy and daddy to take care of them.

Jayson: Wow. That's really sad. I'm glad you guys are going to be their new mommy and daddy. I'm sure they'll love it here.

Cam: If all goes well, they might be here in a few days.

Jayson: I can't wait to meet them!

Jayden: Are they nice? Is Daija gonna sleep in my room?

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