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Devin: What if we get caught?
Me: We won't. Everybody's gone. Come on...

*10 mins before*

Devin was giving me a ride home from my basketball game. The team had arrived back at the school after 10:30. We headed up to the locker room and turned in our jerseys to be washed for the next game and head back downstairs. He awaited me in his Black Jeep.

Devin: You played lights out tonight. 19 points. 4 assists. 3 steals. I'm ready to rock your WNBA jersey.
Me: I did good, baby?
Devin: When you crossed that white girl over, me and the boys were too hype!

*bzzz bzzz bzzz*
Me: Hello?
Jay: You make it back to the school, baby?
Me: Yeah I'm about to head home.
Jay: Okay. Just checking.

Devin: Ask if you can go with me to get some froyo.
Me: Hey!
Jay: Wassup?
Me: Is it cool if me and Devin get froyo?
Jay: Yeah that's fine. Be home before midnight.
Me: Yay! Thank you! I might come home and shower first. I feel gross.
Jay: Okay. That's fine. Me and Cam might go see a late night movie. Micah is there with the kids.
Me: Okay! Love you!
Jay: Love you too, babe!

I put my phone back in my crossbody in time for me to receive a perfectly timed kiss from Devin.

Devin: You stink!
Me: And you don't after your games?!
Devin: Yeah whatever. I'm taking you home to shower and we going straight there?
Me: I mean...if I stink so bad, take me straight there.
Devin: I was gon try to get some but you funky!
Me: Shut up!

He sped out of the school parking lot and cranked up his music. Pop Smoke "Enjoy Yourself," was playing from his Apple Music. He reached across my lap and held my hand and used his left hand to drive.

Minutes later, we were in my driveway.

Me: You gon wait in the car or come inside and wait?
Devin: Who home?
Me: I think just Micah and the kids.
Devin: Alright. I'll come up then. I'm not tryna have your pops on my ass.

So we hopped out the car and went upstairs. I grabbed a pair of soccer shorts and a hoodie and panties and went in the bathroom.

I was in and out in 10 minutes. I put on some deodorant, used some spray on lotion and did a quick brush of my bun and we were out the door.

Devin: I ain't never seen them shorts before.
Me: I got these at the mall with Shanice a few weeks ago.
Devin: Them joints fire.
Me: You're just saying that cuz of how my ass sits in them.
Devin: How you know?!
Me: I know cuz I got them in every color for that very reason.

He bit his lip and smacked my ass as we hopped in the car.

Me: What time does this place close anyway?
Devin: On Fridays, like 2am cuz it's right be the college.
Me: Oh good.
Devin: Why wassup?
Me: Nothing. Turn right.
Devin: Where we going?
Me: Just go right.

He turned right at the stop, instead of our normal left.

Me: Make a quick left and go all the way down.

He followed directions without question until we ended up at the dead end in our subdivision. The builder was expanded and putting up more homes. But for now, it was just an empty street with no outlet, no street lights, and no people.

I hopped out of the car and climbed in the backseat. He looked at me crazy but immediately followed.

Devin: Ohhh you wanted some of Big D?
Me: Yeah. Some come here.

I pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it aside, slobbering him down.

Devin: Wait, I don't have a condom.
Me: Why don't you keep some in your car?!
Devin: I didn't know.
Me: Okay whatever. Just pull out.
Devin: You sure that's safe?
Me: Gotdamnit, Devin. Just take your pants off.
Devin: Shit! Okay, my bad damn.

I pushed him down in the backseat and climbed on top of him, straddling him and pulling my hoodie over my head.

Devin: You didn't have a bra on under there?
Me: Is that a problem?
Devin: Uh nah.
Me: I thought so.

I reached back and pulled my shorts off and threw them to the floor with my hoodie, as he eased out of his own shorts.

In one motion, he was inside of me and I was riding him rocking the car from side to side. "Fuck..." he groaned, trying to keep up.

Devin: What's gotten into you?!
Me: You...

I kissed his lips while I moved my hips to ease up and down his shaft. "Why haven't you ever told me about this place?" he moaned. "I just discovered it over the weekend during my morning run," I moaned back. I sat up, thrusting back and forth, holding my titties in each hand. He placed his hands on my hips thrusting upwards in and out of me. "I'm about to bust." I placed my hand on his chest, still holding my breast with one hand. "Not yet, this feels so good." I bit my lip as I rode him slowly. I put my index finger in his mouth, allowing him to suck it. "Oh fuck! Get up? Get up!" I felt his body stiffen. "Noooo not yet!" I pushed him down harder. His grip on my body tightened. All of a sudden my body flew back against the car door. "Ow!"

My shoulder throbbed in pain. "Oh my God...I'm sorry, baby. Oh my God, I'm sorry." Semen oozed out of him. "I couldn't let this happen," he moaned coming down from his orgasm. "Fuck." I was so mad because I was enjoying the ride. "Come here..." I was a little frustrated. "Come here, girl." He tugged at my thighs. "On my face...let me help you finish."

I did as instructed, crawling up to him. As I lower my pelvis, he met me with his tongue. Immediately he became to devour me, licking and slurping my clit. I put my hands on the windows using them as leverage to grind back and forth on his tongue. Within thirty seconds, I was cumming all over his tongue. "Fuck!" I cried out, hitting his window.

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