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Me: Hello?

Layla: Sissssssssss!

Me: What's going on, babe?

Layla: Guess what!!

Me: I don't know. Tell me!

Layla: So I'm sitting in third period, right? My coach sends someone to get me from class. I get to her office and she doesn't say a word, she just turns her computer monitor around to me. Bro, I got a softball scholarship to Dillard.

Me: Whatttttt?!

Layla: I'm raking in money, fam.

Me: Congratulations, baby! I'm so proud of you!

Layla: Thank you, sis! And thank you for helping me write my essays!

Me: Always. I'll do anything for you. You know that.

Layla: I gotta get back to class, but I just wanted to tell you that.

Me: Okay. Congrats again!

Layla: I love you! Bye!

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