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Jayden: Baby...

Cam's eyes barely opened. Jayden kissed his neck and lips and rubbed her chest.

Cameren: Good morning...

Jayden: I want you to move in with me.

Cameren: What?

Jayden: Move in with me...

Cameren: We've only known each other for three weeks.

Jayden: So...

Cameren: You forreal?

Jayden: Yesss...I'm forreal.

She straddled him. "Move" *kiss* "in" *kiss* "with" *kiss* "me!" *kiss*

He was still half asleep. He scratched his head. Cam: I don't know, babe. She slid his hands down to her ass. He squeezed gently.

Jayden: What's the problem?

Cam: I'd have to sell my condo.

Jayden: Rent it out. I want you here.

Cam: Why you want me here so bad?

Jayden: You know you want to say yes. Why you being difficult?

Cam: Do I?

I mean...I don't hate the idea, but I guess I am a little afraid of all the ways this could go wrong. Sure we have amazing sex and our time together is bliss, but things change when people start cohabitating together. I've never shared a space with another human that wasn't Deon or my family. What if we were moving too fast? What if we ruined this beautiful thing we are building trying to rush into this? I don't know...

She kissed his chest and stomach, dragging her tongue down his body. She grabbed his boxer waistband with her teeth and pulled them around his thighs. She kissed them and then his dick, as it lay limp on his thigh. He made his dick jump. She held it up with her hand, licking his balls in a figure eight motion. She sucked each of them. He pinched his nipples as his dick grew erect. She licked him up slowly then eased him into her mouth. She went up and down his shaft slowly, stroking him, sucking him.

"Ahhhhhhh," he moaned softly. He grabbed her ponytail, thrusting in and out of her mouth. His thighs tightened and loosened with each motion. "Suck that big dick, baby," he moaned. His eyes rolled back and his toes curled as she took all of him into her mouth, sloppily sucking him. His dick tapped the back of her throat. "Mmmm, Jayden." She licked his balls again, stroking his dick hard and fast. "Yes ma'am...oh fuckkkkk!" He sat up, grabbing her head with both hands, fucking her mouth slow and hard, head tilted back. "I'm about to nut in your fuckin' mouth!" She tightened her lips around him. "Shit!" he moaned. She sucked him harder, giving extra attention to this head. "You are so fucking nasty, oh my God!" She went faster. "Suck that dick, witcho nasty ass!" He braced himself by putting a hand on the bed and one hand at the back of her head. He licked his lip. He fucked her mouth harder. Up and down, his balls slapped her chin. She was on all fours, going to town. "Here it comes!" He let out a high pitched screech. She'd never heard his voice go that high. She sucked and slurped his warm cum and came up to kiss him. Cum drizzled down her chin. He sucked it off.

Jayden laid on Cameren's chest, feeling accomplished. She could still taste him on her tongue. He placed his hand in her head and gently massaged her scalp. "That mouth..." he moaned.

Jayden reached behind her in her nightstand and pulled out a set of handcuffs. Cam tried to see what she was doing but she slid them under the pillow. She grabbed another pair and slid them under the pillow too. She started making out with him, while sneakily pulling the handcuffs back out. Before he knew it, she clanked a pair on each arm and handcuffed him to the bed.

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