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Jayson: I want daddy to put me to sleep!
Me: Daddy's still at work, baby.
Jayson: I want daddy now!

It had been two weeks since these new work changes with Cam's company and already my patience was wearing thin. Jayson is a daddy's boy. He won't ever go to bed without Cam tucking him in. We've gone through this every night.

Me: Honey, daddy will come in and kiss you when he gets home, okay?
Jayson: Call him!
Me: I can't call him. He's working hard.

Jayson starts throwing a tantrum, his fourth this week. I sat on the edge of my bed rubbing my temples trying not to lose it.

Me: Babe...daddy is really busy okay?
Jayson: NO!

At this point, he's kicking and screaming. I pull out my phone and FaceTime Cam. "What is it, babe? I'm almost done here at the office." "Your son needs you." I handed Jayson the phone and went down the hall to check on CJ. He had his own room for now because he went to bed at a different time than the twins and I didn't need them waking him up.

Cam: Hey lil man, daddy's gonna be home in a little bit to tell you goodnight.
Jayson: You don't ever tuck me in anymore. I don't want mommy. I want you!

I couldn't decide if that crushed my soul or if it was just whatever at this point. If things are this shitty after just two weeks, I don't even want to know how it's going to feel in two months if this shit is still going on.

I walked down the hall to use the bathroom and then quietly peeked back in the twins' room. Jayson had fallen asleep with the phone in his hand. Jayden had been sleep for awhile. I grabbed my phone and tiptoed out and went downstairs and poured a tall glass of wine. After I clicked off all the lights in the house, I headed down the hall to our bedroom for a quick shower and climbed into bed to finish my wine.

I opened up PornHub on the web browser on my phone and searched for about five minutes before finding the perfect video to get off to. I pulled out my rabbit vibrator from the nightstand drawer and slid it inside my panties on the first setting. It'd been damn near two weeks since Cam had touched me. He was too exhausted to even look my direction since he started working late. I needed a release.

I watched intently as this black chick ate another chick's pussy while a guy fucked her. It took me less than a minute to cum. I squirmed and moaned in my bed, as I kept going trying to achieve another orgasm. I bit my lip, imagining it was Cam who was fucking the shit out of me. "Oh fuck!" My mouth gaped opened as I reached ecstasy again. My body jerked and I tossed my vibrator to the side, clenching my thighs.

The door to my bedroom opened. "Ay girl, what you in here doing?" I almost jumped out my damn skin. Cam walked in tossing his tie and dress shirt in the chair in the corner of our room. "Uhh nothing..." He looked at me knowing damn well I was lying. "Uh huh..." He undressed fully, going into the bathroom to shower.

I lay there quietly trying to regain my composure. After a few minutes, he re-entered the room with a towel wrapped around his waist, his body still wet from the shower. "Can you get a babysitter for tomorrow night so we can go on a date?" He walked over to the dresser and got a pair of underwear and went back into the bathroom. "Yeah...I'm sure Jess can come over." He brushed his teeth then came to join me in the bed.

Cam: You missed daddy?
Me: What?
Cam: Come here.

He pulled me over on top of him. "All you had to do was say the word, baby." He stroked himself for a few seconds before sliding my panties to the side and sliding inside of me. He guided me back and forth on him, teasing my nipples, and caressing my thighs for several minutes before I orgasmed, moaning and whining loudly from pleasure. After I got mine, he flipped me over and slid in from behind. I thrusted back and forth hard on him as he smacked my ass, gripping my hips until he came too.

When we were done, he got up and went into the bathroom and cleaned up and brought me a warm washcloth to wipe up with.

*The Next Day*

Jess: Hey boo! I brought my babies some pizza for dinner and ice cream! Y'all want ice cream?
The twins: Yeahhh!
Me: You didn't have to bring dinner. I was gonna order something in.
Jess: It's fine.
Me: Well Cam should be home any minute. Ima go finish getting ready.

I went back in our bedroom and slipped into my dress. I teased my curly Afro in my bedroom mirror as I applied a light coat of lip gloss. I still hadn't heard from Cam so I went back in the kitchen to check my phone.

Jayden: You look pretty, mommy!
Me: Thank you, baby!

I picked up my phone off the kitchen counter, unplugging it from the charger. No notifications. It was now 6:15pm and Cameren was supposed to have been home at 5:30. I called him.

Cam: Hey babe.
Me: Where are you?
Cam: I'm still at work.
Me: Cameren, you said you be home nearly an hour ago.
Cam: What time is it?
Me: It's almost 6:30.

I could hear him shuffling around in the background.
Cam: Oh shit! It is! I'm so sorry, babe. Chris dropped the project off at three. I must've lost track of time. I have an 8am deadline. I'm not going to make dinner.
Me: Are you kidding me?!
Cam: I'm really sorry. I'm make it up to you.
Me: Bye, Cameren.
Cam: Jayd--

Before he could give me another bullshit excuse, I hung up the phone and slammed it on the kitchen counter. "FUCK!"

The twins giggled. "Ooh mommy said a bad word!" I put my hand over my face trying not to cry. "I'm sorry, y'all. Mommy shouldn't have said that." I wiped the tears from my eyes and opened the pantry and pulled out a bottle of Bourbon. I didn't even bother getting a glass. I just gulped it straight and out the bottle back on the shelf.

Jess walked over to the pantry and pulled me into her, hugging me. "I'm sorry, baby." I buried my face in her chest trying not to cry in front of the kids. She rubbed my back trying to console me. "It's going to get better, mama."

She put the kids to bed after they finished dinner and came back and cuddled with me to watch a movie. I got as drunk as I possibly could have and at some point fell asleep on the couch. I awoke around 3am in my bed with Cam snoring next to me. When I checked my phone, I had a message from Jess. "Cam got got home around midnight and took over. I love you. I'll call you tomorrow. ♥️" I put my phone back on the nightstand, went to pee, and went back to sleep.

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