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Cam laid in my arms sobbing like he'd just lost his best friend. Because he did. That phone call was the most firm I'd ever seen Cam. I could hear the heartbreak in his voice as he made the hardest decision he'd ever have to make in life. "Baby...you're gonna get through this okay." I kissed his head.

"We supposed to be boys to the grave, Jay." He wiped tears from his eyes. "Maybe y'all will heal and reconcile and one day you'll be able to pick up where you left off."

Cam: I won't ever be able to look at him the same. I can't trust him. That shit can fly with anybody else. But you don't try that shit with your boy. With me?! It's a violation that I can't overlook.

Me: I get it, babe. I do.

Cam: You weren't there. You can't even fathom. One minute this nigga literally has hands on me tryna get my clothes off. The next, he on the floor. I ain't never just swung on a nigga like that. I couldn't even bring myself to stay and make sure the nigga was good. I kept thinking if he died in his sleep or some shit, I was just gon have to live with that.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand. I reached for it, opening the text notification from Jess. I had texted her letting her know that some shit went down between Cam and Deon but I didn't know the details.

Jess: He HWHAT?!
Me: Look, I don't know the details. But Cam is torn the fuck up over it. He just said Deon tried to make a pass at him and he knocked him out.
Jess: Is Deon okay?!
Jess: I can't believe this shit!
Me: He called a little while ago. He doesn't even remember any of it.
Jess: Jesus.
Jess: Should I go check on him?

Me: Babe...do you think he's okay? Does somebody need to go over there?
Cam: You told Jess?
Me: I had to.
Cam: Tell her that nigga is sick. He fucked hundreds of men and women while they were together and that she needs to keep her distance from that nigga.
Me: Cam...
Cam: I'm sorry I ever introduced him to her.
Me: Baby, you need to tell me what's going on.

I texted her back.

Me: He said don't go over there. It's bad.

Cam: I don't even have it in me to get into all that right now. But Jess needs to know that she dodged a bullet by not having a baby with that nigga. She needs to keep her kid away from him and she needs to stay away from him.
Me: Cameren...
Cam: Jay...leave it alone.

Me: Some shit went down, J. Idk what Deon told him, but he was extremely upset. He's saying all kinda shit that he don't mean.

Cam: The nigga gotta boyfriend, J. He was hiding millions of dollars from Jess. He was cheating on her every single time he left the house.
Me: How do you know all this?!
Cam: He told me everything last night. Everything. He's been living a secret life. And let's just say what Jess saw in his phone and at the neighbor's house is not even the beginning of it all.
Me: You're scaring me, Cam.
Cam: The escort business. He wasn't involved. But he knows who did it. And it ain't the nigga that went down for it. They framed him.
Me: Who did it then?!
Cam: The nigga he been fucking for the last seven years.
Cam: He's into men, orgies, all that.

I was speechless. "I was willing to ride it out with him and help him get his shit together. But I can't. He's hiding drugs and shit in regular aspirin bottles. You know I don't give a fuck about the gay shit. But he told me he been knew. Told me he been watching me since high school wanting to fuck me. You know how that shit make me feel?! Like our whole friendship was a lie. He told me he got back with Jess so he could fuck Garrett."

The more he spilled, the more in shock I was. I didn't even know how to tell Jess all of this or even if I should. "The dude he's been fucking has been giving him money for years. Deon has millions of dollars in an account that he hid from Jess. They have sex parties and orgies and then he'd come back home to her like nothing was happening."

Me: Okay, okay. This is all too much. He told you all of this.
Cam: Every bit of it.
Me: And you knew none of this prior to?!
Cam: Don't you think if I knew, I would've never gotten Jess involved with him?! She deserves better than that.
Me: What was his plan?!
Cam: I don't fucking know, Jay. He probably would've eventually ran off on her. He told me he never loved her as much as he loves ol' dude.
Me: Cameren...
Cam: I swear to God. You know I wouldn't be this upset if this wasn't serious.
Me: This is too much.

Jess: What is he saying?!
Me: It's far too much to type.
Jess: It's that bad?!
Me: It is beyond anything you could've ever expected. I know you'd already decided, but you need to stay away from him.
Me: For good.
Me: Cam says don't let Mo see him.

Me: Wait. Is he a pedophile?! Why did you mention Morgan? Did he touch my baby?!
Cam: Because Jessica needs to move on with her life. Morgan has a dad. She don't need a nigga like Deon. She's got Garrett. And she's got me.

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