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"Congratulations!" I smiled with my clients Rebecca and Carlos, as they had just finished signing the documents to close on their home. The title company handed them a large white cardboard key with the company name on it. We took a group photo with the loan manager and the clients.

My alarm went off. "Hey guys, I hate to have to run but I've got a meeting with another client in twenty minutes. Do you have any questions or need anything from me?" The previous owners handed over all the keys to Rebecca and Carlos.

Rebecca: You've been wonderful! Thank you for all your help!

Carlos: Yeah this is her dream home. You really helped this thing run smoothly!

Me: I'm so glad I could help! This is major.

Rebecca: Well get going! We don't want you to be late!

Me: Okay, if you guys have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call! Have a good rest of your day and congratulations again!

I grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the lobby and rushed out to my car and put the address in the GPS for my next showing. Twelve minutes later, I was pulling up to the house. My client, Ashleigh, was parked out front. I grabbed a folder with the home details in it and got out of the car.

Me: Hi! How are you?

Ashleigh: I'm doing good! How are you?

Me: I'm doing great!

Ashleigh: David is on his way! He should be here any minute.

Me: Well we can go ahead and head inside and you can start looking around or we can wait for him.

Ashleigh: This one is my favorite on the list! He's leaving me to make the decision anyway. Let's go in!

I laughed because that's literally what every couple said. The wife is the one who says yay or nay and the husband just goes along with it. Happy wife, happy life. We walked up the side walk and I entered the code to the padlock to retrieve the key to get inside. As I was unlocking the door, David pulled up and jumped out of the car. "Sorry I'm late, honey," he kissed her on the cheek. "How are you today, Jessica?" "I'm doing well! How are you?"

David reminded me of every white man I'd ever encountered. We went inside and they immediately started looking around. "So this one is about thirty three hundred square foot. It's got the four bedroom, two and a half baths that you want. Two living areas, large kitchen with the island. Also, I was speaking with the selling realtor and apparently there is a hot tub in the back that the sellers are leaving. They don't want to take it to their new home because it already has one, so they're throwing it in as a bonus."

David: Oh nice...we can have some fun in there!

Rebecca: David!

See what I mean? White men be acting a damn fool! Their poor wives don't never be ready for their shenanigans.

We walked through the house checking out all the rooms. I spent a good time detailing all of the upgrades the current owners had made to the house, including complete kitchen and bathroom remodels, new flooring, and repainting the entire house.

Rebecca: We love it! Honey, don't you love it?
David: I think it's great. Plus, you love it so that's what matters to me. What's the asking price again?
Me: $198,000
Rebecca: I think we should do it!
Me: I can call right now and put it in. We can have it under contract today.
David: If you like it that much, let's make it happen!
Rebecca: I love it!
David: Okay, let's do it!

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