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Jayden: So Cam said you and Deon having been hanging out more and I'm mad that I had to hear it from him and not you.

Jess: We are hanging out.

Jess and Jayden had met up for lunch at their favorite spot. They had a standing weekly date, but they had missed the last two weeks because Jess had a busy work month.

Jess: We've been on a few dates. I'm still fucking Garrett though.

Jayden: Girl, if you don't snatch Deon up, somebody's gonna get him.

Jess: What'd you hear?!

Jayden: I heard that he really likes you and you're playing games.

Jess: I am not!

Jayden: You are...y'all have been talking for what? Several months?!

Jess: Almost three months...

Jayden: Bitch...it's been almost three months?! The fuck are you doing?

Jess: We're just chillin' plus he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet.

Jayden: Fuck that! You ask him! We grown!

Jess: I mean...we've been talking everyday on the phone and stuff. He came back up this weekend and we got together.

Jayden: Maybe he assumes y'all are in a relationship.

Jess: We haven't discussed exclusivity though.

Jayden: J...

Jess: He'll be back in town this weekend. Maybe we'll talk about it. We've just been getting to know each other. It sucks because he's in Austin. You know I don't do long distance well.

Jayden: Yeah BUT he wants to move to Dallas.

Jess: He's actually mentioned me helping him find a condo, so it might be sooner rather than later.

Jayden: So what's the hold up?!

Jess: I actually really like Deon. We can talk for hours. And he's sooo handsome. He just works a lot. He's always flying to meet with clients. He came along right when y'all all told me to give Garrett a chance and now I'm torn.

Jayden: Okay, but you're not giving Garrett a chance either.

Jess: I knowwww. He's basically stopped trying. We just hook up a couple times a week and then go on about our business.

Jayden: Wellllll, Cam said Deon talks a lot about you and that you should stop being difficult and lock him down.

Jess: Cam didn't say that. You did.

Jayden: Okay, I did! But it's because I know you like him and he likes you AND he's a nice guy and he's Cam's best friend and secretly deep down I'm hoping y'all fall in love and get married. And then...we can go on couples trips & our kids can grow up together like we've always planned.

Jess: Okay, But you know I'm ho at heart. I don't know if I can settle down with one dick for the rest of my life.

Jayden: Oh my Goddddd, why are you this way?!

Jess: Plus! I don't even know if he has a big dick yet!

Jayden: He's tall, skinny, and dark skinned. That's the recipe for a nigga with a big dick.

Jess: You know what...you're right!

Jayden: Hell, I'm surprised you haven't hit that yet. That's unlike you...

Jess: I mean...he's so...respectable. 

Jayden: Maybe...it's because he does really like you and he wants to make sure he doesn't mess shit up.

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