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Jess: Should I be poly with Deon & Garrett?
Me: Bitches always get their cake and eat it too!
Jess: You're one to talk!
Me: I mean...the lines are kinda blurred. It wasn't a healthy foundation.
Jess: I know! That's what I told D.
Me: What's wrong with these niggas?
Jess: We got good pussy, friend. They not tryna lose us.
Me: I'm just saying. I wouldn't have took me back. I wouldn't want you back!
Jess: Shit me either. I woulda burned Deon shit in the front yard!
Me: Y'all's situation really is worse tho. What did you do to him?!
Jess: He came over tonight...
Me: For HWHAT?!
Jess: I was horny as fuck.
Me: You didn't.
Jess: He fucked me so damn good!
Jess: I don't mind two boyfriends.
Me: Does Garrett want marriage? More kids?
Jess: Tbh, ion even know.
Me: Y'all should talk.
Jess: That was the plan.
Me: Do you really want this, J?
Jess: I love them both. I'm in love with them both. They both got bomb dick. They love Morgan. They treat me like a queen. I get tingles every time they're around. I miss them when they're not. What's not to want?
Me: So do you want a long term relationship again? Marriage?
Jess: I never wanted marriage. You know that.
Me: But you did it.
Jess: And it was good. But this trash. This whole situation.
Me: You BEEN a mess, friend. It finally caught up to you.
Jess: But why like this?! Why'd I have to get married and have a kid?!
Me: Idk. You just need to be careful.
Jess: The only thing I'd be nervous about is pregnancy. You know we don't ever use protection. Haven't in years.
Me: Birth control?
Jess: I don't wanna...
Me: I know, babe. But...
Jess: Yeah.
Jess: Me and you should've just gotten married. I'd be gay for you.
Me: Get off my phone.
Jess: We could've just gotten in vitro and raised some kids together. Bought a house.
Me: That would've been the life.
Jess: Right? And here I am stuck between two dicks and a hard place.
Me: Bye.
Jess: Which one should I let move in?
Me: Deon don't need to come back.
Jess: I've never been one to reignite old flames.
Me: That one never went out...
Jess: And that's the problem. 🫠
Me: I can't believe fell in love with a white man.
Jess: Nigga...me either. A sexy chocolate nigga and a white ginger is crazy.
Jess: Garrett is NASTY tho. 😋
Me: Do you love them or do you love the dick?
Jess: I love him.
Jess: Real bad.
Jess: We vibe so well. He's sweet and thoughtful. I feel at home with him...comfortable, free, open, vulnerable. It's wild cuz we've never fought. Never disagreed. Which is hella unrealistic. But not once have we ever. We just communicate well. From the very beginning, he just brought that out of me. You know I like to tussle.
Me: You do.
Jess: And I've never felt the need to do that with him. Everything comes easy. He's my best friend.
Me: And Deon...
Jess: He was my husband. Of course I love him. I've never stopped loving him. He's very similar to Garrett. I think that's what makes it so hard. I don't ever wanna have to choose.
Me: What if Garrett asks you to?
Jess: Then I'll have to. But I won't like it.
Me: I can't believe y'all have never discussed marriage, more kids, living together, nothing.
Jess: Right? It's weird. I've never felt compelled to bring up. And neither has he. Things just flow. And I like it that way.
Jess: I think it still can.
Me: You gon be busy. How you gonna have time for two men?
Jess: Girl...idk.
Me: Deon better know what he's getting himself into.
Jess: I implied that I wanted a threesome.
Me: What?! What did he say??
Jess: He wasn't for that shit. AT AWL.
Jess: But I think about having one with them. Often.
Jess: Since the beginning...
Me: You never told me that.
Jess: *bites lip*
Jess: I wanna be like:

Me: You want them to mess around with each other tho? Or just you?Jess: They could kiss

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Me: You want them to mess around with each other tho? Or just you?
Jess: They could kiss...or something.
Me: J...
Jess: Whattt?!
Jess: I'd be so turned on.
Me: You are wilder than I thought.
Jess: Men with men is fucking hot.
Me: If you say so...
Jess: A girl can dream.
Me: You sure can.

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