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Me: Hey...
Deon: Hey...
Me: How are you?
Deon: I'm good. How are you and the baby?
Me: Everything's good. I have my first appointment in a couple days.

It had been four days since I told Deon about the baby and we hadn't spoken since then. He texted me asking to come over to his condo after work, so I did. When I arrived, he seemed to have just been getting out of the shower because he answered the door wearing nothing except a pair of navy blue boxer briefs.

Deon: I wanted to talk to you about us.
Me: Yeah. We should talk.
Deon: I know we haven't talked in a few days. I didn't want you to think that I was breaking up with you or anything.
Me: I'd understand if you did.
Deon: Well I'm not.
Me: Okay.
Deon: I really care about you and you might feel like I left you hanging.
Me: It's fine...really.
Deon: I think we should slow down.
Me: We're not really moving that fast.
Deon: I want you to take care of yourself. Figure out the coparenting situation between you and Garrett. I'll be with you every step of the way. I just want to take a step back and allow you to put you and the baby first.

I hung my head and he immediately lifted my chin. "I'm not going anywhere, baby." He kissed my lips and hugged me. And for the first time since all of this started, I felt like everything would be okay.

Since our short hiatus, I had spoken to Garrett. We had a long talk about the pregnancy and living arrangements when the baby arrived. We agreed to have a mutual custody agreement drawn up through his personal lawyer, where we shared custody fifty-fifty. We would figure out a more specific arrangement later but he made it clear that he wants to be involved in the day-to-day.

Every decision made regarding the baby once he or she is born would have to be mutually agreed upon, and if we didn't agree we'd take it to court and let a judge decide. We promised that we'd communicate everything and come to an agreement and not fight about anything. He also insisted on paying my entire two thousand dollar deductible for my prenatal care and the baby would go on his health insurance. We agreed to him paying twenty percent of his income in child support. I tried to get him to agree to a lower amount and he refused. "I'm gonna always take care of my kid," he said. "I don't ever want you to feel like you have to worry about anything."

He told me he wanted the baby to have both of our last names, and I was fine with that. He also told me he wanted to be at every appointment. I happily obliged, but told him that if Deon ever wanted to come, he'd also be there. He agreed.

Things were not nearly as scary or complicated as I thought they'd be and for that, I am thankful.

Deon rubbed my belly and kissed my cheek, letting me know that we were okay. "Damn...so this really not my baby?!" he said jokingly. I looked up to him. "I wish it was." His tongue entered my mouth. "It's okay...I plan on giving you one real soon." I stopped kissing him and gave him a curious look. "What?" He cupped my chin and smiled at me ignoring me. "I didn't say anything.


Me: Hey girl!
Liyah: Hey! Oh my gosh! Your little bump is growing!
Me: Yeah...he's getting so big!
Liyah: You guys found out the gender?!
Me: Not yet, but I just know it's going to be a boy.
Liyah: Listen...I can't wait! You need to hurry up and drop the registry so I can spoil him!
Me: Garrett and I plan on going next week after we find out.
Liyah: I'm so happy for you! It's all working out, huh?
Me: Yeah, yeah! It's been interesting to say the least. Garrett and Deon are both great.
Liyah: I love that! This is how it should be.
Me: Yeah...okay so, let's take a look around.
Liyah: Yes! Onto business, what we gotta do to get this house sold?!

Liyah and Chase were selling one of their rental homes and called me to help them. As we looked around, I noticed a few necessary upgrades to maximize selling price.

Liyah: Okay, so Chase has got a guy coming over later this week to put in new carpet and repaint the whole house. Our last tenants had three kids, so you know how that goes. I'd like to put in new faucets in the kitchen and bathrooms, possibly some new light fixtures. I don't know. What do you think?

Me: Definitely flooring and paint. When family homes such as this, new owners aren't typically wanting to come in already putting money in. Faucets and fixtures aren't a necessity but are a great bonus.

Liyah: Yeah...I got you. had someone come and refinish the tubs in both bathrooms.

Me: You're on it!

Liyah: Chase knows a guy who is a contractor and he comes and does odds and ends for us. I just want to get the house sold, so we can move on. This has been our most problematic property and I'm ready to let it go!

Me: I think we're headed in the right direction. I got the appraisal back this morning and it's they're estimating $135,000. If you decide to go through with all the upgrades, I'd tack on an extra $5,000 for the listing price.

Liyah: I think I'm gonna do it! I can get Chase's guy out here and he's willing to do everything for $1,000.

Me: Oh wow! That's a great price!

Liyah: Yep! So if everything is done by the end of the week, can we get it listed?

Me: Oh I can put it on the market today and it'll be up to you whether you want to go ahead and start showing it and we can inform shoppers of the work being done or you can wait til it's finished.

Liyah: What do you think?

Me: I say put it on the market and start scheduling showings first things Monday morn-- Oh!

I placed my hand on the kitchen counter and clutched my stomach.

Liyah: Are you okay?

Me: I think the baby just kicked! That was so weird.

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