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Me: Hi...
Garrett: Hey...you look nice today.
Me: Thanks, boo. You're looking kinda fly yourself.
Garrett: Where's my baby?
Me: She's on her activity mat cooing up a storm.

I closed the front door and locked it and led Garrett back to the den where Morgan was laughing playing. He looked so good. He had on a navy pantsuit with no tie and the first two buttons of his shirt open with a gold chain.

He picked Morgan up and plopped down on the couch with her in hand. "Hiiii, baby girl! Daddy missed you." She smiled at him and it was the most adorable thing. "She's already a daddy's girl. Her face lights up when she sees you." I said to him smiling and extending my finger out for her to hold. "It makes me mad how much she looks like you!" He laughed. "Why does it make you mad?" Our eyes made contact and the sexual tension was almost unbearable.

I elbowed him in his side. "Don't look at me like that!" He laughed again. "Like what?!" he replied. "Like you want to kiss me..." Morgan sucked her fingers then used them to put a big glob of slobber on his face. "Well I do..." he said wiping the spot from his face with her cloth.

Garrett: I wanna kiss you, Jess. Like everyday.
Jess: Stop...
Garrett: I'm not going to.
Jess: Are you sure?
Garrett: Unless you want me to...

I looked at away, jumping off the couch and dusting myself off. I do want you to. "Can I get you something? Water? Apple juice? Tea?" Garrett set Morgan back on her playmat and followed me to the kitchen. As I opened the fridge, he walked up behind me, pressing himself up against my body, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me closer. "Garrett, we can't..." He ignored my commands and continued, pushing my pants down with his fingers, lifting my hair off of my neck and began placing soft, wet kisses on it.

He slid one hand up my stomach and to my breasts and squeezed it as continued kissing my neck. He used the other hand to unbuckle his belt and then his pants. I could feel his erect manhood against my ass. I needed to stop him, but I didn't want to. He spun me around and pressed his lips against mine, leading me back to the couch. He sat back down and pulled me to him, kissing my stomach and lowered my pants further to my ankles. He pulled me into his lap in one motion he was inside of me. I gasped. I missed him. "I've missed you," I moaned into his mouth as I begin to ride him slowly. "I've missed you too, Jessica."

"Shit!" My eyes flew open. I frantically felt my body, looking around to see that I was still in my bed. I looked over. Deon lay there snoring. I rolled over and looked at my phone. 3:59am. I checked the baby monitor and Morgan was sound asleep in her crib. I rolled back over and tried to fall back asleep. My mind was racing. I kept replaying the dream over and over in my head. I tried to think of something else. Morgan started to cry. I looked at my phone again. 4:22am. Fuck!

I unhooked my phone from the charger and climbed out of bed and went down the hall to Morgan's room. "Hi babyyyy, good morning. You hungry?" I picked her up and placed her on her changing table to change her diaper and then sat in the rocking chair to feed her. Please be awake, Jay.

Me: You up?
Me: Please be up!
Jayden: Feeding the twins. You okay?
Me: No...
Jayden: What's wrong? Call me.

I pushed the talk button and placed the phone to my ear.

Jayden: What's wrong, baby?
Me: Do you think I'm in love with Garrett?
Jayden: What?
Me: I keep having dreams about him.
Jayden: What kinda dreams?
Me: Sexual.
Jayden: Yikes.
Me: Do you think I made the wrong choice?
Jayden: I don't know.  Do you think you did?
Me: I don't know either. Is it possible to love two people?
Jayden: You can't love two people, J.
Me: I knowwww. Fuckkk.
Jayden: Are you sure it's not lust?
Me: It could be. But Garrett is great. And he takes care of me and he doesn't have to. It's hard not to feel a type of way.
Jayden: I know, I know.
Me: He's thoughtful and sweet and I think you're right about him being in love with me. I was in denial.
Jayden: But do you feel something from his thoughtful sweetness?
Me: I don't know, J!
Jayden: You need to figure out what you want, babe.
Me: What if me and Garrett are meant to be and I'm just stringing Deon along?
Jayden: You need to do some deep thinking. You can't continue on like this. Garrett is gonna be a part of your life forever.
Me: I know. This is so fucked!

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