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Me: Fuckkkkk, Jay! What am I going to do?!
Jayden: You gotta tell him...well both of them.
Me: Things were going so good. How did I manage to fuck this up?!

Jayden and I were at a DNA Diagnostics lab. Why, you ask? Because I'm pregnant. Nine weeks to be exact. The worst part is that I just confirmed that Deon is not the father. After what I thought was a week after my missed period, I took a home pregnancy test, which came back positive. After contacting my gynecologist who wouldn't see me until at least at eight weeks and unknowing to me that I was passed eight weeks, I went to a full service prenatal clinic to get an ultrasound.

When the ultrasound technician told me how far along I was, I pulled out my phone to check the "Flo" app. It's the app I use to keep track of my period and sexual interactions. I wasn't worried until I heard the number. Eight to nine weeks ago, I had sex with Garrett and Deon with days of each other. And when I say days, I mean like one or two days. Multiple times.

I felt embarrassed as hell having to ask for a referral to get a paternity test because I didn't know who the father of my unborn child was. I couldn't tell either of them until I knew for sure. I thought if the baby was Deon's, I wouldn't tell Garrett a damn thing. And I wouldn't tell Deon that I was unsure either. But I just received the call from the diagnostics center for me to come in for the results. Jayden and I were at lunch, so she rode over with me. Deon isn't the father.

The center gave me a take home kit to collect a swab because I told them he was out of town. I swabbed him while he was asleep and took the DNA sample back up there the following morning. I didn't sleep a wink that night. Forty-eight hours later, and I'm sitting here trying to figure out how the hell to tell either of them. I don't know how.

Deep down, I hoped it was a mistake. Maybe Garrett's test will come back negative and then Deon can get tested again and they'll realize the lab made a mistake. I asked for another testing kit to give to Garrett and gathered my purse and jacket nearly in tears and drive Jayden back to her car at the deli we'd eaten at for lunch.

Jayden: Babe...it's gonna be okay.
Me: I know.

I didn't know. And this is why I always used condoms with men that I wasn't serious with. Garrett and I slipped up multiple times. I shrugged trying to hold it together, wiping a tear from my eye.

Jayden leaned over to hug me, pulling my face onto her shoulder. "I love you, sis. You'll get through this. It's not the end of the world." She kissed my forehead before getting out of the car. "I'll call you later okay? We can't have wine...or weed...but we can stress eat all the snacks we want. I'll bring you a chocolate overload cake and some ice cream." She squeezed my hand before getting out of the car.

I waited for her to get into her car and drive off before I pulled out of my parking spot. I pulled out my phone and texted Garrett "I need to see you." He responded back almost immediately. "I'm working from home today. Come to the house." I drove straight there from the deli, texting him that I was there when I got to the driveway. I had to get myself together before seeing him.

I checked the mirror to see if my eyes were red. They were a little bit. I touched up my makeup and got out of the car. As I approached his front porch, he opened the door in a grey Nike t-shirt and red Nike dri-fit shorts. I had a swab kit in my purse, but seeing his face after over a month, I couldn't even bring myself to tell him why I was really there.

Garrett: Hi.
Me: Hey...
Garrett: You couldn't stay away.

He smiled at me leading inside to his den, offering me a drink or snack. I declined. I sat my purse on the table and sat on the end of the couch. He sat fairly close to me caressing my thigh. I reluctantly accepted the contact. He scooted closer to me sliding his hand up my body to the back of my neck, gently massaging my neck and shoulders.

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