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Jessica and Jayden had been inseparable since middle school. Jessica moved from DC with her parents, after her dad needed to relocate for a job. She was an only child, so she spent nearly everyday at Jayden's house when they became friends. She was the sister Jess never had.

Jessica Howard went away to college at the University of Houston, but ended up transferring to OU after one semester because the girl's couldn't stand to be away from each other. Their mothers leased an apartment under their names, so they could establish residency and Jayden could leave the freshman dorms.

Jayden had made some on-campus friends, but when Jess got there it was a whole different ball game. She introduced her as her sister and they wilded out together for five straight years. They were the life of everybody party, Everyone thought they were biological sisters and they were the life of every party. Every guy wanted to date them.

They both enrolled in the five year program that allowed them to obtain their Master's degree one year after finishing their Bachelors, instead of the normal two years. After college, they moved back to Dallas together and shared a two bedroom apartment, while Jayden worked on her Ph.D and was a teaching assistant at UTD. A year into the program, Jayden landed a position as an adjunct professor.

Jess studied to obtain her real estate license and leaped head first into her new career, six months later. Soon after, she began to date one of her former clients. They fell in love and within a year, they were discussing moving in together. When the lease was up, Jess and her boo, Landon, made the move and she assisted Jayden in buying her first house.

After seven months of living together, Jess came home early after a closing to grab some documents from her home office, to find Landon's car in the garage, when he was supposed to be at work. Landon was a bit older and more established in his career as a Senior Sales Executive for a software company. He was thirty-one and Jess was twenty-three at the time.

It wasn't uncommon for Landon to be home during the day, since he traveled often for work and would return mid-day. But, this wasn't one of those times. Jess pulled up into the driveway and entered through the garage. When she saw his car, she was surprised, albeit excited to see that he was home. She called his name from the kitchen, as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He didn't respond. She shrugged it off and went into the office and grabbed the file she needed and set it in the kitchen by her purse and water. Maybe he was asleep, she thought. She headed towards the master bedroom to use the bathroom and freshen up before heading to meet her next client. She could hear groaning coming from the bedroom. I know that's not what I think it is. She thought to herself again, pausing in the hallway to get a quieter listen.

She went back to her office and opened her safe that she had built into her desk. Retrieving her beretta, she loaded the ammunition clip that lay next to it in the safe and walked back to the bedroom. She quietly opened the door and closed it back. Landon lay in bed with a white woman on top. OUT OF ALL THE BITCHES HE COULD'VE FUCKED, A WHITE WOMAN?! And to make it worse, she looked basic as fuck from behind. She could see her horribly matched hair extensions from where she stood.

They moaned in unison, as Jess took a seat in a decorative chair they had the corner of the room. She pulled out the clip and checked the number of bullets before re-inserting it, disabling the safety, and cocking the gun.

The noise must've alerted the mistress because her head whipped around before Jess could make another move. She jumped out of bed and ducked, as Landon's head popped up, mouth agape. Jess pointed the gun in his direction and fired a bullet, intentionally missing. She had been shooting with her dad since she was five years old. She didn't miss, unless she wanted to.

Landon looked at the bullet hole in the headboard and frantically jumped out of bed. "Baby...baby, I can explain!" Jess aimed the gun towards the floor and started shooting where his feet were as he approached her. Landon jumped to avoid getting his foot shot off. "There is NOTHING you can say to me that I can't see for myself!"

At this point, the white woman is peeking up from the side of the bed, terrified and crying. "Girl, get the fuck out of here. This ain't even about you! Go!" She jumped up grabbing her clothes off the floor and ran towards the door. "Hold up!" Jess stopped her by putting the butt of the gun in her chest. "I know how you white bitches are. If the police show up at any point, I will expose your ass. You ain't the one cheating here, so this ain't bout you. And honestly, you can have this nigga when I'm done with him cuz I don't want 'em! Do we have an understanding?" White girl frantically replies "Yeah, yeah! We're good. I'm not calling anyone. I didn't know about you. I'm so sorry!" "Just go!" She leaves.

Landon: Jess, baby...you don't have to do this. Put the gun down.

Jess: You think you're worth killing? Nigga, please!

Landon: Baby, I'm sorry!

Jess: How long?!

Landon: What?

Jess: How long have you been fucking that bitch?!

Landon: Jess...

Jess: Tell me and you better not fucking lie.

Landon: A...a month maybe? I don't know.

Jess: You been bringing that bitch in our bed?! You didn't even have enough respect for me to take her somewhere else?!

Landon: I love you, Jess---

Jess: I'm coming back this weekend to get all my shit out of your house. When I come, you better not be here. If you are, I'm tearing ALL this shit up. I don't want to see your fucking face ever again! Don't bother calling me because you'll be blocked. Your keys will be on the kitchen counter. And you better tell that bitch, if ANYBODY comes fucking with me, ima beat her muthafuckin' ass!

Jess stormed out of the house and angrily got into her car. As she was driving down the street, she noticed the white woman walking down the street a block over from Landon's house, crying and looking frazzled as fuck. Jess immediately realizes she must've ridden with Landon, which means this ho must've went on the trip with him. This nigga...

Jess rolled down the window.

Jess: Hey! Where are you going? You got an Uber or something coming?

White bitch: Uh, y-yeah. It's gonna take him like 20 minutes to get here.

Jess: Come on, I'll take you where you need to go.

White bitch: I'm okay. I can wait. I'm just going to walk to the gas station across from the subdivision.

Jess: Bitch, get in the car.

White woman gets in.

White bitch: Tha-thank you!

Jess: I told you I ain't got no beef with you. You ain't the cheating ass nigga. Where you going?

She tells Jess the address and within 15 minutes, they arrive at the destination, never to cross paths again. Jess moved out just like she said she would and never heard from Landon again.

She'd matured since college, because back then she would've sliced his tires up or tore up some shit in house, like she would've done had he been there when she came back to get her stuff.

Everybody loved Jess and Jayden in college though. If any guy fucked them over, they had homeboys who would take care of it. That only had to happen once. That's another story for another time. After the Landon fiasco, Jess moved in with Jayden in the spare bedroom, splitting the mortgage with her until she decided what her next move was.

They were solid. Whenever you hear someone say "friend goals," think of them. They were the true definition of ride or die. They had been through a lot together and the one thing that could be said was that they always stuck together.

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