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I was driving down East Gate Parkway headed home from the gym blasting the new Roddy Rich album. "The Box" was my shit! I'm rapping and truly acting ignant in my car, hand signs everything and my music just stops. Jess was calling.

Me: What it do, babyyyy?!

Jess: Where you at?

Me: Leaving the gym. Headed to the grocery store to grab something to cook.

Jess: You miss me?

Me: Of course, boo. Wassup?

Jess: So...I just needed to call you to tell you about this fine white boy I've been hooking up with.

Me: Since when you start liking white boys?!

Jess: Sis...so he's a client.

Me: Why are you always fucking clients?!

Jess: Okay, Landon was an ex-client!

Me: Same difference!

Jess: Anyway...so I'm showing him this nice ass out. Beautiful home and outta nowhere we're fucking!

Me: What?!

Jess: Jayden, when I tell you this white boy put it down. Homahgawd!

Me: Damn, like that?

Jess: I forgot to call you. I've had tons of showings these last couple days. I'm thinking about calling him and scheduling another meeting.

Me: Like a meeting meeting?

Jess: No, bitch! I need the dick. I've been feening!

Me: Oh, girl...

Jess: I need a steady fuck buddy.

Me: You're too much.

Jess: He's a curly haired ginger with nice teeth, big hands, a big dick. Whew I'm getting hot just thinking about it.

Me: Just don't move in with the nigga.

Jess: I'm getting a real judgy vibe from you, Ms. Go to nigga's houses when you first meet.

Me: Fine...we both ain't shit!

Jess: Fair!

*****the next day*****


Me: Alright, ladies! I'll see you tomorrow!

I grabbed my purse and headed out of the office towards to faculty parking lot to my car. I Googled the Thai restaurant close to campus and called in my to go order for dinner. Spicy chicken fried rice with broccoli and extra vegetables, a side of spring rolls, and a boba tea. "Give us fifteen minutes and we'll have it ready. Thank you!"

I got in my car and started it up, looking at my nails annoyingly. "I need a fill," I said aloud to myself. My Bluetooth connected to my phone and D Smoke from the Netflix show "Rhythm + Flow" new song, "Black Habits" came on. I turned up the volume and started rapping the song as I pulled out of my parking spot. I was at Thai Lan within three minutes. I sat in my car for a few minutes scrolling through instagram before getting out of the car.

*incoming photo from Jess*
Jess: I have a date tonight. How this dress look?
Me: With who?!
Jess: Girl, some dude that DJ gave my number to. He's cute. We'll see how it goes.
Me: Oh Lord...she always tryna play matchmaker.

I tossed my phone in my purse and headed inside to get my food. As I was walking up to the counter, a chick in grey pants suit and heels backed into me. "I'm so sorry!" She turned around to me immediately apologizing. "It's fine! No worries! We made eye contact. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had a beautiful smile and a perfect natural curly Afro. "Can I help ma'am? Pickup order?" I looked at the girl who'd just bumped me and she signaled for me to go ahead. "I'm just waiting on my food."

I went up to the counter, giving the hostess my name and paying for my food. "It's not quite ready yet, but we'll call you when it is." I stepped back from the counter after signing the receipt and leaving a tip.

"They're usually super fast. I guess they are kinda busy tonight," the chick said to me. "Yeah...I guess everyone wants Thai." I flashed her a half smile as we engaged in small talk. Goodness! She's fine as hell. "I love the Pho here." I responded telling her I hadn't tried it.

Her: Do you work around here?
Me: Yeah I'm the Dean of Sociology at the university.
Her: Oh wow! That's dope! I'm the Regional Manager for University Living. We own the Midtown Landing apartment property off of campus and a few more around the city.
Me: Oh cool!

Server: Danielle! Your order is ready! Do you need any plastic ware or chopsticks?
Danielle: No thank you!
Server: Have a great night!

She turned around to me, digging in her purse. "You are really beautiful and I'd love to grab coffee or lunch." What is happening? Is she flirting? Is this professional banter? I don't even know. "Thank you, you have a good night, okay?" I said to her. She handed me her business card. "My cell phone number is on that card. You can text or call or whatever?" I was taken aback. I thought she was just making small talk while we waited for our food, but she was lowkey checking me out. I took the card and glanced at it awkwardly before sticking it in the side pocket of my purse. I thought about saying "Oh...I'm straight," or something but I couldn't bring myself to say it. "Have a great night..." she paused indicating she wanted my name. "Jayden."

I'd never been hit on by another woman before and it was flattering especially because she was indeed fine as hell. "It was nice talking to you, Jayden. I hope I'll get to hear from you soon." I flashed another awkward smile as the door chime as she walked out. "Have a good one!"

I immediately pulled out my phone to text Jess about what happened. My gaydar is clearly trash because I definitely didn't see that coming. But I also wasn't immediately turned off by it.

Server: Jayden! Your food is ready. Here's your tea. Chopsticks or plastic ware?
Me: No thank you! Have a good night!

That night, I had a dream about her and I going on a date and coming back to my place for drinks and see. I woke up horny as fuck and used my vibrator to take care of myself.

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