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Dr. Parker: Congratulations again, Jayden and Cameren. Cameren Jr. is incredibly handsome.

Cam kissed CJ on his forehead. She smiled up at her husband admiring their new son. He kissed her lips softly. She forced her tongue in his mouth. "I love you, Cameren." "I love you more." He was born one day before his due date, January 2, 2020 weighing 8 lbs 4 oz, 22 inches. Jayden labored for 8 hours.


Cam and Jayden pulled into their driveway. They walked through their garage into their home. The kids were at their table having a snack.

JayJ: Mama! Dada!

Cam sat the car seat down and went to hug his babies. He picked up Jayson out of his high chair and tossed him in the air several times. Jayson cracked up laughing. Cam sat him on the floor and Jayson ran over to the car seat to peek at the baby.

Cam: That's your little brother, man.

Jayson: Baby!

He pointed to CJ.

Cam: Here, do you want to see him?

Jayson: Baby!

Cam unbuckled CJ and removed him from the car seat. He walked over to the couch and sat down with him. The twins followed. They crawled up on the couch on either side of him and stood against him looking at the baby. Jayson tried to rub CJ's head.

Cam: You wanna give him a kiss?

JayJ leaned over to kiss his nose. She smiled at him.

Meanwhile, Jayden and Jess were in the kitchen talking.

Jayden: How is the wedding planning coming?

Jess: Listen...I need you back on the committee. We finally found a DJ who was free for our weekend. That was about to worry me to death. I found a Black owned florist, who I am REALLY excited about. You need to hurry up and get your sexy pre-baby body back so we can get you measured for a dress.

Jayden: I'm still sexy!

Jess: You are!

Jayden: I'll be there soon. Don't worry. Ima be back in the gym soon enough.

Jess: Anyway...I'm taking you to get a massage next week, just us girls. And the boys are gonna stay with the babies. You deserve!

Jayden: You're so sweet.

Jess: You hear that, Cam? I'm taking my wife to be pampered next week.

Cam: Yes ma'am!

CJ started to suck on his hands.

Cam: Babe, I think he's hungry.

Jayden walked over to the couch and grabbed her nursing pillow to latch him onto her boob. While he ate, she just stared at him and admired his beauty. I never could've imagined this life. Three beautiful children. A husband. God really did His thing here. As I stated at Cameren Jr., I could've believe how much he looked like his daddy. He's a spitting image. I stared a baby picture of Cameren on the end table and they looked like the same baby. When he was done eating, Jess came and got him to burp him.

Jayden: I'm so tired!

Jess: Why don't you go take a nap? I'll watch CJ.

Jayden: You've already done enough. You send your baby to her daddy's then come over here taking mine. You need break too.

Jess: Jayden...go. I got you. Cam, would you like to enjoy a kid free nap with your wife? Auntie Jess will hold down the fort.

Cam got off the couch and helped Jayden up.

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