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It was the last week of summer when everyone was out and about enjoying summer to the fullest Cielo's group was on the island training. For these several months they came here every weekend, and since the summer started they hadn't left the island even once.

With the level of dedication Cielo practice them to have towards their training, they knew it was for a specific purpose. Before they formed a group he had informed them that there was a reason for him choosing them, he didn't provide anymore details.

Long story short they had improved tremendously over these long training sessions. They could now put up a fight against Cielo who used multiple flames in battle, they all knew though if he ever got serious he could beat them to a pulp in less than ten minutes.

Even though they had improved they were instructed to keep their abilities a secret from everyone, that included their training sessions.

Throughout these months they went on jobs issued by the Academy as a group. When they were out on these missions Cielo let them be, and only assisted them out of tight spots, so that their teamwork and bonds would improve.

The group saw Cielo as their leader, no matter how distant he was from all of them. Their group might not have a sky, but they didn't feel like any Sky could replace Cielo even if he was not a Sky.

( Up to this point only Mukuro, Chrome, and Takeshi knew that he was a Sky. Even after spending a year with him Bianchi didn't find out. The mist siblings knew because they saw him use his flames at the Lab, and Takeshi only knew because his father told him).

The group noticed that Cielo was an odd one after living with him for these past few months. On the surface he is cold and indifferent in his actions and speech to others, but with them he seems like a guardian. He provided for them, instructed(trained) them, and laid down rules for them to follow.

One thing they came to understand about him was that he stood out, he never allowed himself to blend in and lost himself with the crowd. It was like he was programed to never break his character, he must always be the indifferent ice prince.

Putting that aside they once saw him break his character, and that was the incident on the Academy's roof on Valentine's day. His icy and indifferent personality was replaced by rage the moment Sawada Letmitsu had mentioned Cielo's family.

Speaking of Cielo the group who had just completed their day's training glanced up in a tree nearby where Cielo was currently sleeping in.

They enjoyed the relaxed expression of the sleeping beauty whenever he was asleep, since his face had a charming effect as if it could sooth their soul.

Cielo slept whenever and wherever when he was not training the group, because he had many secret responsibilities and plans need to be put in play, not to mention his job as Ciel and he constantly needed to feed the concealed Sky pacifier flames.

All of this made him quite exhausted, even though it didn't show. He might seem to be idle a lot, but he had more work load than the Kings of all the kingdoms combined.

As if sensing the stares Cielo's eyes slowly opened revealing those cold blue eyes that could make someone shudder. He slightly stretched and yawned as he landed gently on the ground.

The wind picked up sending his long white hair, that reached the middle of his back, fluttering. He pinned his bangs to the side and glanced at the group, " Let's return to the Mansion."

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