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" It's good you all succeeded in bonding with each other. I came to take you back to the Mansion. Tomorrow is New Year's eve, so spend it like how you want off the Island. Your familiars can go back to their zones to spend it with their families. You can summon your familiars to your side no matter the distance.", Cielo got up and was ready to leave after telling them this.

The others said goodbye to their familiars as they teleported off the Island. When they returned to the Mansion they changed after showering then they all made lunch together. After their meal they were all given plane tickets by Cielo, except for Takeshi, Bianchi, Futta, and Lambo.

" Like in the summer, wherever you are going it must be pair or trio. Ryohei, Hayato, and Mukuro will go see Ryohei's sister and her friends. Chrome and Kyoya will go to the orphanage. Bianchi will take Futta and Lambo for a trip on my private plane. As for Takeshi he will spend New Year's eve with his father. Any disagreement?", Cielo had arranged it this way for a reason.

" None.", They answered all at once. He clapped, " Good."

In the evening they all departed on their flights leaving Takeshi and Cielo alone at the Mansion. The two ate dessert together before they started watching a movie in the living room. When it was 1am they were still watching TV.

This was because Takeshi silently refused to leave Cielo alone while going to bed, instead he waited for Cielo to fall asleep. Cielo did fall asleep before the ending of the movie. Takeshi silently smiled as he turned off the TV and carefully covered him making sure not to wake him up.

He stood there for a moment and observed Cielo. When asleep the face that was cold and indifferent when awake was like prince charming when asleep, it was captivating especially ten times more because of his soul flames.

" Goodnight Cielo.", Takeshi whispered as he made his way up the stairs to his room. Around 7am he went to the bathroom and freshened up before going down to make breakfast. Unsurprisingly Cielo was already there. The two made breakfast and after breakfast they left the Mansion together.

This was just a coincidence since Takeshi was supposed to see his father, then return to the Mansion before midnight, but Cielo who had nothing to do left the Mansion as well. Again Takeshi decided not to leave Cielo alone until he was suppose to visit his dad. He didn't have to ask Cielo's permission since he didn't seem to mind.

They returned to the park bench where they had met the two little girls Maria and Maia and their mother the last time they were here with Lambo. The two sat down in silence.

" Cielo can I ask you a question? It's just a passing thought of mine, but I don't know if you would classify it as personal.", Takeshi broke the silence all of a sudden.

" Go ahead.", Cielo answered shortly.

" Did you ever wish you had a sibling, one that enjoyed your pain and happiness together throughout your lives so you wouldn't be alone all the time?", Takeshi carefully worded his sentence.

" Once upon a time. If one truly loved their sibling they would not want them to suffer his or her pain, but suffer their sibling's pain instead. I learnt that I should not give my heart to others since they will just stab it with a knife when I least expect it.", Cielo said while massaging where his heart was supposed to be. The usual ache was always present when it came to this certain subject.

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