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O Chrome's pov

The eyes belonged to the one who had spoken. Apart from his wintery eyes and his super handsome face that only showed an indifferent expression, there was also his entire person that had a unique aura.

His temperament was cold and noble just like an ice prince from a fairy tail. It's quite strange, he seems quite familiar like I have met him somewhere before, but I knew in my heart that I haven't met such a person before.

He took a step towards us and passed between Lambo kun and I. He stood in front of us and the three bullies unconsciously took several steps back. His aura and momentum alone scared them, and it was their survival instincts that caused them to step back.

" Despicable humans, aren't you ashame to bully a child? Weren't you once a child yourself?", he questioned them. They didn't answer. They turned tail and ran, they ran straight into a shelf and that shelf toppled over and others followed like dominoes.

I don't know if it was my imagination but I could have sworn I saw him snap his fingers before the trio crashed into the shelf and causing such a huge incident. It came as no surprise they were caught by security guards and was told to provide their families' contacts in order to pay for the damage.

After all that he turned and looked at Lambo kun who was looking at him with admiration because he made the bullies scared and they ran away from him.

" Little one, do you want candies?", He asked.

Without hesitation Lambo nodded, " Yes big brother, Lambo Sama likes you."

I didn't stop Lambo kun since he never accepted things from strangers and only called the other guardians and bossu big brother, I too unknowingly started trusting this stranger.

End of pov...

O Lambo's pov

I looked up at the fairy big brother and smiled at him. He held out his hand I took his hand with my free hand. I smiled at him, even though he didn't smile I knew that he was pleased with my actions.

Chrome ni San who held my other had said softly to the big brother, " Thank you for just now. I am Chrome and this is Lambo kun, and you are?"

He replied, " He is a child, no need to thank me."

" Oh.", Chrome ni San muttered lightly. I think she was a little disappointed that the fairy big brother didn't give his name. The three of us walked to the cash out and the big brother cashed a few items for himself in addition with a whole cart of candy I didn't see when he picked up.

We walked out of the mall and he let go of my hand, " These are all for you. You can share them with your friends."

I eyed the bag and my voice was full of worship, " Really?! Fairy big brother you are the best! Only that looks heavy and Chrome ni San is already carrying some."

" I will carry them for you, I live nearby.", When he said this he didn't seem to mind. While we walked I started asking him questions.

" Fairy big brother, you are so handsome, how comes I haven't seen you around before?"

" I came here with a few others on a vocation.", He revealed.

There was no time to ask other questions after that since we arrived at Tsuna nii's house that sounded like a racket inside.

He gave me the bag and walked away with a small wave. I waved back at him and picked up the bag.

When we went inside the others inquired where I had gotten an entire bag of candy from, I naturally told them the truth, " I don't know the name of the fairy big brother who bought them."

End of pov...

Lambo was busy sharing candies and missed the strange look that flashed in the eyes of some of those present.

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