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Space around the group shattered like glass as a being came into view. He was a demon with blue skin and two tree branches protruding from his forehead. He was handsome for a demon. He was related to the Ent(tree demon) species. His name was Ota the Demon Lord of Space. See description in guidebook*

The space stabilized. The Arcobalenos were seeing a Demon Lord up close in person for the first time. Cielo tried opening a portal to send them back to earth, but he discovered that the space wasn't suitable to open a portal due to Ota's interference.

" Arcobalenos for the time being you cannot go back to earth. You still can breath so there is nothing wrong. For the upcoming battle you must stay out of it and stay on the sidelines. If you disobey I will not take responsibility. I do not want Madam Luce's former elements to die at the hands of demons.", Cielo warned distancing himself from them. Ota did the same.

" So you do care about the humans after all.", Ota chuckled.

" No. I know how to return favors, even if the said favor was given by a human. Shiva formed an alliance against me and I will return the favor in full.", Cielo said.

" You lost against Shiva five years ago, so better not hold anything back during our battle.", Ota teased.

" There is no need to concern yourself.", Cielo retorted. He closed his eyes and appeared before the red demonic plant sealed by his flames and soul chain.

" Unseal!", he commanded. At once the chain and seal broke and he transformed into his demonic form. The demonic form had evolved. Last time it was a scarlet and gold theme armour with two small horns as a crown and two large leathered wings, along with a black orb that became a scepter.

Now the black leathered wings became three pair of golden feather wings, totalling six. His hair was bounded by golden rings and a golden halo replaced the black horn crown. His scarlet eyes became golden. His feet and hands were bare and he was clothed in a white turtle neck robe that stuck to his body.

The black orb on the scepter became clear with golden light and the scepter itself became silver. If one didn't know better they would thing that he was an angel, well in a certain sense he was. Light exist within darkness, and vice versa.

" Oh wow, your demonic soul is in the form of an arch angel, it's so beautiful.", Ota complimented.

Cielo grasp the scepter and called out, " Wrath of the stars!" Far above their heads came golden streaks from the sky. They were stars that were falling scorching the atmosphere and leaving a trail of fire in the sky. Those on earth could see this amazing view.

" Not bad.", Ota praised before adding, " But not enough." He snapped his fingers and the space above him shattered like glass. The stars bypassed him and continued falling to earth.

Cielo watched silently. He finally waved his sceptre and a wind swept the stars away shattering them into golden dust that disappeared into oblivion.

Ota pointed his finger and drew a full circle in front of him. It became a wormhole that could swallow anything and dump them to a place unknown. Cielo was wary of this next move from Ota but he refused to move.

The wormhole expanded sucking in everything. Cielo spitted out, " Eclipse!" All things were now in darkness, but with the light of his golden wings allowed everyone to see.

There was no more sunlight because the moon had suddenly blocked it off, only a small portion could be seen peeping from behind the moon.

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