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When they become one they spit out a poisonous miasma that poison and weaken the body and mind while trapping it's foes in nightmares and sweet dreams. When the two merge together they heed the command of both masters. Wu Si is playful and mischievous, Si Wu is like her brother but she is shy most times .

Lambo named his Thunder Quatzeltcoatl Xiang. Xiang could grow to the size of an adult dragon since it could be argued that it was a dragon kin, seeing that it was a feathered serpent with wings after all. Xiang could control lightning. It's personality was that of a spoilt child, and loved treats like it's master.

Futta named his Owl Aotou (silent o and u). Aotou could be used for observation, sending messages, and locating something or someone due to its amazing eyesight. It's personality was friendly and obedient.

Bianchi named her Spider Zhi. Zhi could grow to the size of a giant tarantula. It could lay eggs that hatched in seconds. The babies had deadly poison same as the queen. Bianchi was connected to Zhi so she could use the eyes and ears of the baby spiders to spy on her target.

As for the Snow besides flight he shared his Master's abilities, and he could command all the other familiars and speak to them. Is adult size was two times that of an adult lion. He had used that size when facing off against Phinaal's army. He wasn't anything like Cielo. He was cheery, friendly, and acted cute and adorable. He like pats and rubs, and most of all he loves his master.

So put all the things mentioned about all the masters and familiars together and what do you get? An almost destroyed Island upon Cielo's return a few days later. They were all having so much fun not even noticing the days flying by.

Bianchi just supervised them making sure no one got seriously hurt, and that most of the Island was still intact. The din was deafening, good thing Cielo had predicted the outcome and installed sound insulation on the dome covering the Island.

The air was filled with laughter, human and animal noises, sounds of wings and giant feet, explosions, lightning, flames, water, smoke, dust, poison, and miasma. The familiars were in the air or on the ground, either in their adult or baby size.

" Shu!" Kraken
" Xiang!" Quatzeltcoatl
" Snow!" Lion
" Wu Si!" Male Ouroboros
" Bao!' Dragon
" Si Wu!" Female Ouroboros
" Zhi!" Spider
" Aotou!" Owl
" Jiu!" Hydra

" Master here!!!"
" Uncle Masters here!"

They were all having so much fun bonding that they hadn't noticed Cielo's arrival. He sat in the shade and was served tea and snacks by Bianchi. The two enjoyed the tea and snacks together while watching the others having tons of fun.

" So Cielo, it's surprising that this isn't irrigating to you.", Bianchi spoke to him with a smile. After a while he responded, " Not at all. They are still children so they normally want to have fun."

" Why not have fun once in a while? The game you play with the Demons is but a way to entertain yourself, it's not bad to have normal fun once in a while.", Bianchi suggested.

" If you say so. I don't have anything else I can consider as fun except to toy with Demons. Knowing that I will be coming out of this as the final victor, I am contended.", Cielo concluded.

He snapped his finger and the sound was astonishingly louder than the din. Immediately all sounds ceased as all eyes focused on Cielo. The familiars returned to their baby size and landed on the ground.

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