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The guardians knew what it was like loosing something like an anchor, the meaning to keep living. For Tsuna, Leymitsu was his anchor, and the moment Leymitsu plunged that knife into his heart all hope was extinguished.

They all recalled when Leymitsu duel Hayato in the academy and Cielo faced off against his brother. He listed all the things he didn't believe in. To Cielo who lost his anchor he didn't believe in anything anymore. He could not feel emotions at that time, except his monstrous hatred towards his brother.

His emotions when it came to Leymitsu was always out of control. Instead of the positive emotions he felt when they were children, which blew away like smoke, leaving only negative emotions for Leymitsu who he hated enough to kill. Yet again something prevented him from killing Leymitsu.

The group moved on to the next scene when Tsuna woke up at Estraneo and met Alexandre. Their conversation revealed how ice protected Tsuna's heart and how Tsuna voluntarily became a test subject. From then on he lived an awful life in Estraneo and was called number 27.

Experiments day in and day out he didn't complain. He became silent so now the group could hear his thoughts. He never once thought of his brother or how he was almost killed. He didn't think of escaping even when he had nine flames at his disposal. His attitude was calm to the point it became indifferent.

Not only his personality changed but his appearance did as well and it had nothing to do with the experiments. His hair became snow white and his eyes became icy blue. His temperament became cold and indifferent, without a care in the world.

That was until he was first tasked to kill a group of half dead children whom were failed experiments. Cielo felt his heart gave a painful jolt. His inner thoughts were, " These children are what represents humans' cruelty, but when I become their killer I will become worse than a monster. But who cares? Isn't life meant to be taken? Just like mine."

Cielo killed batches of children after that and he didn't say a word or though anything about it. His inner thoughts was shut off. The guardians knew he didn't feel but that didn't mean it didn't hurt him. He had to become indifferent or else he would become mentally ill.

Then came the scene that Mukuro and Chrome remembered all too well. It was the day they were brought to Estraneo with Ken and Chikusu, their first meeting with Cielo who came off as an ice prince.

Cielo didn't interact with them for half a year. This was the first time after the four came to Estraneo that they witnesses Cielo killing the children. Mukuro and Chrome knew what happened next. After Cielo returned to the cell they confronted him.

" Hey you. Tell me why you did that despicable act? It makes you no different than these scientists that experiments on us all day.", Mukuro questioned accusingly.

" What does it matter? Their lives were wasted and worth nothing. It's not my business if they live or die. The same goes for you bunch.", Cielo rolled his eyes.

" You!", Mukuro grabbed ahold of his shirt front and shook him. Obviously he was enraged by Cielo's reply. Cielo said nothing except stare with his cold blue eyes. Mukuro let go.

That night Cielo laid on his back in bed as he thought about what Mukuro had said earlier. " What do I care what others think of me. I have always received punishment and become the one to be judged. Is it fair? No. Should I care? No. I will just continue to be me, whoever me is."

Another half a year later Mukuro, Chrome, Ken, and Chikusu were taken for an experiment that left them half dead except for Mukuro who only had an injured eye. It came as no surprise that Alexandre task Cielo to kill them.

At that time Cielo's inner thoughts that were quiet though, " I don't know why something inside me hurts so much when I don't care or feel. Why should I kill them? Or for what reason should I save them? Will they be grateful in the future? Will their hatred for this place turn them into killers such as myself? I will save them this once and not care about the consequences."

The guardians watched as Cielo saved all four then kill Alexandre subordinate. He stumbled along the way where he met Alexandre that injected him with a drug then abandoned him in a tank with black substance.

A few months after, the lab was destroyed by the four Cielo saved and the tank was taken away. The next scene was Cielo waking up in a mansion and left through the window. He returned for breakfast where he was introduced to Madam Luce, Luke, Lucas, Louise, and Leon.

They witnessed how Cielo grew up in the mansion from age seven to ten. They saw the efforts the others put in for him to feel at home. But it seemed that Cielo was doomed to never be at peace. On his tenth birthday the others threw a surprise party for him. He wasn't happy because that reminded him that he was loathed because of the day he was born.

The scene of when he went to the roof came up next. He was absorbed in his memories until it trapped him in a loop of nightmare. Luke found him and used his rain flames to force him to sleep when Cielo warned him about the impending danger of the mansion.

Seeing this the guardians came to realize that this was the second time that Cielo was trapped by his own memories. It was best if he didn't remember too much or else the episodes will reoccur.

The memory of when the demon apostles invaded the mansion and slaughtered everyone burning down the mansion came up next. Luce sacrificed herself to save Cielo and Cielo killing the demon apostles in a fit of rage. He took the age Luce and teleported from there.

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