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Author's pov

Cielo had come here to find this world's Hayato but he became sleepy and unknowingly fell asleep while still playing. His soul flames manifested outside his body and continued playing making sure he rested while it played. Cielo still had a soul injury so the soul flames helped in any way it could, and that meant soothing his heart by playing music.

Hence the scene that this world's Hayato came across.

O Hayato's pov

The white hair teen became awake and I just kept staring not even remembering to open my mouth. His frosty blue eyes and mine became four, he seemed amused by something evident to the twinkle in his eyes, it's very important to note that he didn't wear a smile his entire expression was that of indifference.

" Its really amusing. When in front of me you have never been bewitched by my soul or physical appearance, does a universe make the same person different?", His voice was neutral and cool as he sat up straight and stretched. The blue flames disappeared to a place I didn't know.

His statement was strange, but yet again he was too. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, " Which fairy tale did you walk out of? The Ice prince disguised as sleeping beauty?"

I heard a chuckle from him, " You think I am a sleeping beauty? I can't wait for you (Hayato that came with Cielo) to hear this ridiculous claim. Haha. You would definitely beat up yourself."

He muttered words that I almost didn't catch, " I think that that you is having fun playing the game the Mare set up."

My eyes twitched, " Hey sleeping beauty, mind telling me who you are and about your flame? You are apart of the Mafia aren't you?"

" As you said Hayato, you can call me the ice prince, that's what most people from where I came from called me anyway. I am not apart of this thing called Mafia. Lastly, about my flames, they aren't from this world, you guessed correctly; I am not a human.", He gave me a sly smile.

" Humph. So you are a fairy? Never thought I would see a real live one.", after saying this I felt like some fan girl and don't mention how embarrassing the realisation was.

" Hahaha. The you I know isn't this funny. He really needs to learn from you, but once again I appreciate him as he is. Loyal and trustworthy just like you towards your so called sky.", His laughter chimed like bells, somehow I knew he wasn't thinking of me when he laughed, that me he spoke of was definitely not me.

I took a seat next to him not bothering to ask if he minded, from his lack of reaction I knew he didn't. I questioned, " Tell me more about the me you know."

" The first time I met him I knew we had a few similarities. He was one of the few humans I compared myself to. He lacked friends and proper parents, but he had a sibling that looked out for him and because of her he never stopped trying to make friends. He wanted her to be proud of him.", He seemed to be recalling the day he met the other me.

He continued but his tone was definitely colder and his eyes glinted with the desire to kill, " As for me my parents and sibling are just walking dead ready for me to slaughter them at anytime. There is no need for me to make friends, humans are deplorable, but that you I know isn't like the others."

He let out a breath retracting his murderous intent and didn't bother to look at me anymore.

" Gokudera Hayato it's not all the time someone shows their sincerity, but you are indeed a loyal storm.", were his parting words as he seemed to have teleported to his next destination.

Was it all a dream? No!

I must find that person and know his name!

End of pov...

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